Sunday, September 9, 2012

19 months

Happy 19 months old Ashley! (There were WAY too many cute pictures from this monthly round of shots to just pick one)

*She is sleeping the same as last month. She has had some early mornings lately (like 5:45) where she refuses to go back to bed and even if we try to lay by her on the floor it usually doesn't work and you find yourself reading to an excited 19 month old at 6 am exhausted. She is still napping around 12:45 for a good hour and a half to 2 hours.
*We have some new foods that she likes- edamame, eggs and grilled cheese.
*She is talking like crazy! She repeats one and two syllable words very well and when we ask her to say a word, she pretty much falls in love with it. For example today we asked her to say heavy. All day and loudly at church most of what we heard was "Hyvee" and a HUGE smile!
Her big words:
-"Mommy Up" when she wants me to get up- she also tugs at me when she wants me to move or get up.
-"mooove" for move.
-"Cuse me" Excuse me
-squishy and tushy
-"purple" and points correctly to purple. "star" and identifies stars. loves to say and find the "mooooon" in books and outside.
-"heavy", "Bobby", "doctor", "Mom-mee" and "Dad-dee," "backpack," "socca" (soccer)
*She is beginning to get good at puzzles and shape sorter. I mean impressively good at puzzles. She gets frustrated that she can't do Anna's puzzles yet. Poor little thing.
* She LOVES reading and would let you read to her forever. Her nap routine and night night routines are being prolonged because the minute you finished one book she is scurrying off your lap to get another. Sometimes it's 10 books before we have to call it quits. My favorite is when you say a line from a book or sing a part of a book she runs and goes and gets the book for you to read it to her. It's really cute. Her favorite books are: "I love You, Goodnight," "Night night Prayer," "Pat the Bunny," "Pajama Time," and "The Three Little Kittens."
*She such a pleasure to be around. Her little personality shines and makes us smile. She is a feisty one and even though a sweet heart speaks her mind loud and clearly. And she doesn't mind putting up a screaming fight with her sister or pouting and throwing a fit to try and get what she wants (even though she never gets it when she throws a fit!)
*She has spent some time in time out. She pulls her sisters hair when she is super frustrated and we are trying to break that habit. It hasn't happened tons but it has happened enough.
*She has a hard time saying goodbye. She will give the best hugs and kisses but when we drop Peanut or Anna off somewhere and she doesn't get to go with it's a scream/cry fest for a good 15-20 minutes.
*Did I mention she gives the best hugs and kisses?
*She likes to act like a dog.
*She lets me put her bangs into a clip- HOOOOORAY!!!!! 

Much Love,

And the bloopers.... not too many to share!

And of course you can't just take a picture of Ashley :)

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