Sunday, September 30, 2012

Girls Weekend in Breckenridge

It just occurred to me that I never published this post..... but like many things, better late then never :)

Rewind back to the weekend of August 7th :)

My girlfriend Kelly is getting married in November and to celebrate we all decided to go on an early bachelorette party in Breckenridge, CO because honestly, who doesn't like the mountains in August?!?!?

While it was hard being away from Rob and the girls for 5 days, I had a blast! I ate good food, did good shopping, had good drinks, enjoyed girl talk, went on a hike (or climbed a mountain one could say), did the alpine slide, relaxed by myself and with friends, hot tubbed it and even took a nap one day. And I did it all in the presence of good company!

 First Day Walking around one of my favorite summer towns and with some of my favorite people ever!


We made it to the first lake!!!
I love the mountains!
 Only 4 of us went on but we made it to the top! What a beautiful lake!
What bad asses we are :) Or thought we were :)
 Did the alpine slide
And shopped some more....
 Do you see our shirts? My friend made these for the bride.... awesome!
Relived the going out days one night at a club. Danced my booty off and apparently ran into someone famous pictured with us below.... I forget this name. He's on some TV show.... parks and rec maybe???
Enjoyed an awesome dinner out and a relaxed last night

It was an awesome weekend. I drove out to Colorado by myself and spent a night with Rob's brother and his family. Then continued en route to Breckenridge. The drive was long but oh so nice that it was so quiet.... I can tell that I'm a mom :) I loved dressing up for the weekend, having time to myself, being around some pretty awesome girls, having really zero responsibility and letting lose. But let me tell you, it was AWESOME to see my little two monkey's Monday morning!

Much Love,

PS I should also add that it was entirely awesome to be around people who are just as camera happy as me. Believe it or not, I took 0 pictures this weekend and my fingers loved the break. The ironic thing about this is that I managed to leave my camera at the hotel..... yeah, smooth one. Don't worry, they shipped it to me.


WOW. what a busy weekend. So busy that we were all 4 hardly all together at our house. But it was a fun one :)

Friday we went to Grammy and Poppy's house for the day and went to Burr Oak Woods. We had a blast. Anna kept talking about "last time" and apparently she thought we were back in Tennessee again! We walked around, went to the nature center and ate a picnic lunch.

Since Daddy was out on the town at a Bachelor party for his cousin, on the way home we had dinner with Grama, Papa, Aunt Anne and Kate. We ate at the little cafe attached to Jasper's and it was great! The kids even got their own "kids only" table and they thought that was pretty awesome!!!

And that wasn't the last of our stops for the evening. On the drive home Anna said she wanted to go to Gigi's so we stopped there for a quick 5 minute visit which was enough time to consume 8 chocolate chips cookies (along with the others she sent me home with- fresh baked that day!)

The next morning I ran errands before attending a bridal shower for my friend Kelly. I scored an AWESOME kids "train" table for $10 off craigs list (don't worry pics will come!) and did several mommy errands without kids. Daddy and the girls played outside and had a nice time at Deanna Rose Farm.

When I got home at 2, Anna was still awake and missing me so I took a nap with her in her room (on the floor) until 4. Then it was get ready for the Truman Heartland Foundation Gala where Rob's dad was honored with an award for Advisor of the Year. The girls stayed with my parents and had a blast and we enjoyed a nice grown up only evening with Rob's parents and brothers.

This morning we woke up at my parents house and went to church. After that we ran by our house quickly so Rob could mow and I could wash the train table. Then it was back to my parents house for a Chief's party. The girls both napped there and then we went to soccer for Anna. She did much better today with not relying on us right by her side and she did give the coach some high fives (mission accomplished!!!!). Then we finally all 4 got back to the house around 5 in time to play outside, eat dinner and have a chilled out night getting Halloween decorations out (the girls can't wait to decorate Halloween tomorrow!)

Phew! What a weekend. Good- night :)

Much Love,

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

3 year well visit

I went to my 3 year well visit on Monday.

Here are my numbers

Height: 39 1/4 inches (85th %tile)
Weight: 33 pounds (70th %tile)

According to their records I grew 5 inches and put on 6 pounds in one year. Dr. Glotzbaugh (my new doctor since Dr. Austin left) said that is pretty impressive! She said everything look great but had some concerns with my girl part. Apparently she says it's very common but my girl part is beginning to fuse shut. She said it's probably because of the moisture from my overnight diaper that I still wear and it is more often then not wet in the morning. Since she said it was fused halfway, mommy and daddy got concerned and got me cream to put on it twice a day for 5 days. You would not believe it but the cream cost $160 with insurance. OUCH! Good thing we have the health savings account. I do not like the cream at all but I do get lots of candy after I put it on. Fingers crossed that everything works the way it's supposed to.

With that being said, mommy is determined to get me drinking less milk at bedtime so my diaper will stay dry. She is also trying to get me to wear pull ups at night but I told her tonight that I am still "a little bit little" and not ready for pull ups at night yet. Mommy listened. The doctor also said I should be drinking less milk to help out with my lack of appetite. So slowly we are cutting calories through watering down my night night milk bottle with water (I also just started on 1% milk) and hopefully I will make up for the loss of calories during the day. My doctor says that since I won't depend on these calories at night that I won't want my night night bottle anymore. Mommy and Daddy don't really know what to think about it, but we will see. I do love my night night bottle!

I had no shots at this check up except for the flu shot that both Ashley and I got. We didn't like it. But I got a plastic butterfly toy to play with my strawberry shortcake collection so the tears dried pretty quickly.



When I try to help her into the car.......


When I try to help her into her car seat or turn her around so that she is sitting in her car seat.......


When I put her in her booster seat.......


When I do anything else that she feels obligated to do herself becaudse she thinks she is 3......


Looks like we have another independent child on our hands..... this one is just a little more fiesty!

Much Love,

PS Check out that knot on the forehead. A total head dive straight onto the concrete driveway. OUCH!


Anna has to go to school.


Because she likes school.


Because she has fun with her teachers and friends.


Because she colors.


Because she has fun doing it.


And they go on and on and on......

Yes, Ashley has entered the why stage at not even 20 months old.....

Much Love,

Songs at School

Anna has been talking about the songs that she has been singing at school and this is what she says the songs are called (and then she proceeds to sing them)
1. wheels on bus
2. Where is thumbkin
3. Meeting friends is lots of fun, meeting friends is lots of fun, what is your name?
4. twinkle twinkle little star
5. Some song about apples

Today when I picked her up from preschool I asked the teachers if these were the songs they are singing and sure enough they are. Looks like Anna is reporting a lot more then I thought she would about her days at preschool.

And she also likes to give me the updates on her friend Hank. "His daddy picked him up today," "It was Hanks Happy Birthday today," "Hank was still sleeping," "Hank chases me." I have yet to hear about any other of her classmates.

OH and she loves telling me how happy she is that I come back to get her after school. Like today we were walking around Target and she walked up to me, grabbed my hand, kissed it, squeezed it and then told me "I so happy you pick me up today at school." What a sweet heart.

Much Love,

Neighbor Lucy

This past weekend we had our first friend ring our door bell with no forward notice. Anna was 5 minutes into her new Strawberry Shortcake show and had just woken up from a 3 hour nap. Within seconds of me saying "Anna, Lucy is at the door," Anna is up and off the coach and ready to play.

I mean Lucy must rank REALLY high on her list to voluntarily leave Strawberry Shortcake (especaily one she had never seen before).

Lucy turned 4 this past summer. I have a feeling a lot of unexpected door bell ringing will be happening for many years to come with these two. They have a lot of fun together. After their first time playing Anna walked her all the way home from our house, waved good bye and turned to me and said "that girl nice." And whenever we drop by to see if Lucy is home, Anna gets SUPER bummed when no one answers the door bell. It takes some convincing that no one is home before she willingly leaves the front patio.

There is another girl named Lauryn that we have played with a handful of times but I think Lucy ranks on top. I just love watching them make friends.

Much Love,

Riding a bike!

Check me out.

Yup, I am riding my bike with no pedals REALLY well. Out of the blue I just started gliding on it. Everyday I get better.

But it is exhausting. Usually after a couple minutes I tell mommy, "This bike wear me out!" And then I go back to my tricycle (which I am a champion on!)


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Dopey, Happy, Doc

Ashley loves the seven dwarfs. She demands Anna's Snow White book everytime we are in the car and loves the song Hi-Ho. Well, ever since we bought 6 of the 7 dwarfs from a garage sale, she's been even more in love with these cute little guys. And she LOVES saying their names and singing Hi-Ho. My personal favorite is when she says Dopey and Happy. Too cute!

Enjoy the video

Much Love,

Birthday Morning

Good Morning and Happy Birthday Bed Head!!!!

This tired little girl slept in until 8:20! That is a sign of a good birthday party the night before. And when she woke up she was in awe of all the balloons in her room (every birthday morning we fill their room with balloons for a birthday surprise). She loved them! When we went in to see her she said, "Balloons in my room!!! It my happy birthday" We told her yes and then she said, "I bigger now. I three when I woke up!"

When then asked her how it felt to be 3? And she answered with her classic "Good." She then goes on to say, "Grama must be exhausted. I growing and she keep smushing me down." This made us laugh really hard.

After playing with the balloons and as we are walking out of her room she looks at us so excited and asks, "Is everyone still here?" Bless her heart, she was hoping the party was still going on :)

We made it up to her by eating purple chocolate chip pancakes, opening all the family birthday gifts,playing with birthday toys, swimming at gym pool, taking a 3 hour long nap (skipped soccer- I didn't have the heart to wake her) and went to the park where we played on the swings, playground and had a family soccer game. It was a very good 3rd birthday :)

And then she tried to tell me she was 10.... :)

Daddy teaching Anna how to use her baseball glove and ball

Someone loves strawberry shortcake just as much as her big sis!
Much Love,