Thursday, February 25, 2010

The last month..

I learned so much the last month... here's what I've been up to!

* I got to bed in a sleepsack.... NO MORE SWADDLE!!! Also, I have outgrown the vibration and can put myself to sleep without the vibration on. HUGE milestone for me in the bedroom!!
* I am sitting up on my own really well like a big girl and beginning to reach for toys out in front of me... this makes me fall over quite a bit more!
*  I found my toes and love to touch them when I am sitting up
* I love to rocky rocky back and forth while sitting on people's laps and love rocky-rocking left to right when standing on people's laps.
* I am standing pretty well while holding onto the couch or toys for support. I LOVE to stand up!
* EVERYTHING comes to my mouth!
* I LOVE rice cereal and when mommy or daddy feed me it in my booster seat, I lunge to the spoon. And if they don't give me it fast enough, I shriek! I can't wait to try bananas! The cereal has helped me sleep better and that makes mommy and daddy happy. I can pretty easily sleep 8 hours straight with a quick snack in the early morning hours and then put myself back to sleep within 15 minutes of waking up!
* I still do my fake cough to get people's attention and have just started to scream and talk REALLY loud the last week or so (Cooper Jones taught me how to scream!)
* I LOVE grabbing onto mommy's hoodie strings, necklace and hair. I also love to grab onto and pull anything that dangles in the air.
* I put myself to sleep pretty well at night and also during the night. As for naps.... we are working on those. I just love being around people too much to sleep during the day :)
* I love watching and petting Peanut. He also gives me great morning kisses!
* I fart A LOT! Really stinky ones too!!! :)
* I hold onto books when mommy and daddy read to me... I even help flip pages.
* I smile really big when mommy makes a funny noise, or when she says, "Ma ma ma, da da da!" I also smile so big when daddy smiles at me :)
* I love to cuddle ALL the time and LOVE being held!
* When we go out to eat (we've been out 2 times this past week) I can sit in the big wooden high chairs. It's so fun being able to watch everyone eat all that good looking stuff.
*I am still sucking my fingers and on my left pointer finger, I have a scab from sucking too hard. I shouldn't suck so hard but they just taste TOO good!
* Mommy has started subbing a couple times a week and began her 2 month long term sub job yesterday. I will miss her VERY much but will have so much fun with Daddy, Grama, Kate, Grammy and Henry!!!

So much fun being 5 months old!


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

5 months old

Happy 5 months old to ME!!!


Saturday, February 20, 2010

This Bloggin' is hard work!


How many kids can fit on daddy's lap????


Peanut was sitting RIGHT on top of me! Oh, BROTHER!!!

Valentine's Dinner

To celebrate Valentine's day, Rob and I decided to make Chinese Food. And no, not because it was also the Chinese New Year- we didn't know it was the Chinese New Year until I came home from the store wondering why EVERY Chinese item in Price Chopper was on sale. What a coincidence!!!

We made homemade pot stickers (SUPER yummy), sesame beef (SUPER yummy) and peanut butter brownie sundaes (SUPER yummy). We doubled the pot sticker recipe (since we had enough ingredients to do it) and to our surprise made 60!!! Not hard work, but long work, and when we were done we froze 40 and gobbled up the rest... we also have 60 extra wonton wrapper if anyone is wanting some!

Enjoy the pics!

Much love and YUMMMM,

Chuck E Cheese

We went to Chuck E Cheese with mommy, daddy, Aunt Anne, Uncle Todd, Kate, Grama and Papa to celebrate cousin Kate's REAL birthday! It was my first time there and WOW was I on overload... there were colors and noises and bright lights flashing EVERYWHERE!!! Chuck E Cheese himself even came out and walked around- he was pretty cool.

I was a really good girl and loved watching my cousin run around the place. When everyone sat down to eat, I sat in a BIG GIRL wooden high chair all by myself (well, with mommy's scarf and Kate's jacket behind me). I love watching everyone eat. I spent the whole time during dinner practicing chewing and when I got home I gobbled my dinner down like a champ! I can't wait to go back to Chuck E Cheese and eat the pizza and play games!


Thursday, February 18, 2010

3 new Firsts for me!

Since the weather was nicer today, almost 50 degrees, I got bundled up and we went on a family walk. Since I am a big girl now and sitting up well, I got to ride in my stroller without the infant carrier and I LOVED it! I got to watch all the cars zoom by and watch Peanut walk in front of me..... I could sit and watch cars drive by for hours it was so neat! I even got to look at all the houses, parked cars, trees and so many other cool things on our street- I love being outside! When I was littler, I would only get to look at the sky or my rings hanging on my car seat- this is much more fun- I had a BLAST!

Then mommy and daddy surprised me with my first trip to the playground. We had so much fun! I went down my first slide with daddy and went on my first swing. I wish we could have stayed longer, but my nose was getting cold and I was getting hungry. I can't wait to go back!


My New Trick

Lately, I have started a new trick that makes EVERYONE laugh at me... I have a fake cough! Yep- I cough to get attention!!!

When mommy and daddy are in another room, or if I am lacking the attention I need, I do a fake cough. I REALLY get their attention when I do 5 or more coughs in a row. When they finally pay attention to me, they say "Oh no!" "Bad Cough!" Oh my!" or "Baby Girl!!!!" And then they pay extra special attention to me..... I can't help by just to smile when I get the attention.



Wednesday, February 17, 2010

First Cereal

Cereal is YUMMY! I love to make a BIG mess by spitting it back out or by laughing/smiling when mommy and daddy are putting the spoon in my mouth! I am a mess when it is all done- good thing I wear a bib!!! If I love rice cereal, I can't imagine what banana's and other good stuff taste like. I kick my feet while I eat and if mommy and daddy are too slow to feed me, I cry out loud and start to suck what has fallen out of my mouth from my bib. I can't wait to try all different foods like mommy and daddy eat! Maybe Papa will feed me brownies now :)

I especially like sitting in my big girl chair... mommy and daddy even let me sit in it and play with toys with them while they eat dinner. I LOVE watching them eat!

High Five to EATING!!! :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Oh the joys of parenthood...

Oh the joys!

Little Anna had gone over 4 days without having a dirty diaper (but she had tons of wet ones). This raised a some concern since she had never gone over a day and a half before. So a call was made to the pediatrician and minutes later, Rob and I were doing what they call rectal stimulation on our baby girl... yep- you read it right.... RECTAL STIMULATION!

I was very skeptical and scared to do it to Anna (so was Rob), but she assured me that it wouldn't hurt Anna and that it would not be habit forming. It required us to do the following:

1. put Vaseline on a rectal thermometer
2. insert it in about a 1/2 an inch
3. Rotate clockwise up to 3 minutes
4. If no stool is passed, do it again in 30 minutes.

WOW... oh WOW.... oh WOW! It took us trying 3 different times because we we confused on the duration of #3 (apparently it takes 1 1/2 minutes to stimulate and it won't work unless you go the allotted time) but on our first attempt at doing it properly... WOW. The little girl must have felt MUCH better! And to make us feel even better, she had a dirty the next morning!!

Yeay... the joys of parenthood! Never, EVER did I imagine Rob and I EVER doing something like this :)

So, it now looks like I can add rectal stimulation to my list of "sure can do's!"

Much Love,

Love Day

I love Valentine's day so much! Even though everyone tells me that they love me ALL the time, it was so much fun to celebrate!

So many people sent me so many fun Valentine's. I even got two stuffed animals and a couple shirts! Even though I was spoiled with so many fun things, I can't wait until I am old enough to eat the chocolate dessert that mommy and daddy had... yummmmmm!

Love and Kisses,

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Henry and Me

We have so much fun together!!!!
 Here we are after dinner time... apparently mom and dad forgot to wash his face :) They have SO much to learn :)


Play Date with Cooper Jones

This play date was the most fun of all so far because we are both sitting up like big kids. Mommy and Miss Ashley were scared that we would fall over so they put lots of pillows around us- do they not realize that we are awesome at sitting up?!?!?! Cooper was SO crazy and kept reaching for me and my toes! I just smiled at him!

I just LOVE Cooper! He gave me my first Valentine :)


Tom and Kate's 2nd Birthday Party

A week ago we celebrated Tom and Kate's birthday... which meant one thing..... Texas cousins are in town!!!!!!!!!

We had so much fun at their Mickey Mouse party. I was such a party girl who was still awake and in a very good mood when mommy and daddy (who were very tired) decided to leave around 10 pm because it was past THEIR bed time!!!!!

I loved being around my family and watching all the kids at the party. I especially loved watching my cousins and crazy aunts, uncles and grandparents dance to the song "Beat It." Check out my cousin Kate's blog to see the action HERE.

Happy Birthday Tom and Kate- you guys really know how to PARTY!
