Wednesday, February 3, 2010

4 month well visit!

Mommy and Daddy took me to see Dr. Austin for my 4 month well visit yesterday. I was a very good girl, but cried when the nurse took me out of my mommy's arms to weigh me, cried when Dr. Austin took me away from Daddy and cried after I got my shots (1drink and 2 shots in my thigh)- they hurt so much!!!

Dr. Austin was very impressed with me. She was impressed by me "sitting up," my early formed stranger anxiety, my high cheekbones and chubby cheeks and, most importantly, my growth- she said I was going to be tall like Daddy (Mommy is keeping her fingers crossed!!) Dr. Austin told us that finger suckers (I suck my pointer and middle on both hands) outgrow the sucking usually before thumb suckers and pacifier babies do. They felt pretty relived to hear that- I guess I inherited the finger sucking from my Grandma Fimmen; she was also a two finger sucking gal as well!

Here are the numbers that Mommy wants me to share with everyone!

Weight: 14 lbs, 3 oz (70th %tile)
Length: 26 inches (97th %tile)
Head Circumference: 16 inches (50th %tile)

So, I am a tall giant for my age and that REALLY made Mommy excited. She called Grandpa and told him that there is an up and coming All-State basketball center and All-State volleyball outside hitter in the family. Grandpa said he would be the assistant coach..... I just laugh at all their dreaming :)

I go back at 6 months for a lot more shots. When do these things end?!?!?! Daddy says that they hurt now but that they can keep me from getting sick when I am older. And since I believe EVERYTHING that Daddy says, I guess I'll put up with the pain.... as long as mommy and daddy are there to spoil and comfort me after with lots of hugs and kisses!!!

Mommy and Daddy keep telling everyone that they are very proud parents....

......What can I say.... I'm perfect in every way! :)


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