Wednesday, September 30, 2015


After much perseverance and determination, we've got ourselves a snapper.....

My helper....

Here is my personal assistant helping me create coloring books for the Daisy troop at Staples. Love this little helper :)

Mommy look what I made really quick at school


On Monday, Abby and I were driving back from Staples and we saw all these buses in a parking lot. So I pulled over and we got out to see them all. Since school starts back in August, Abby has grown a slight obsession with seeing real live buses on the road. She yells, "More!!!!!! Three!!!!!!" whenever she sees one. Why she doesn't say "bus" I haven't a clue :)

We had fun, we even walked onto a bus. Good times!

While on the bus we sang the wheels on the bus over and over and over :)

Courtney's Birthday Party

This past Sunday Ashley went to a birthday party for her friend Courtney. Ashley and Courtney were in the same preschool class last year, they play on the same soccer team and they will go to Sunset Ridge together. OH, AND they have fun together :) Ashley loved the party; it started with some crafts and then some gymnastics time at BV Rec. Happy Birthday Courtney!

First Daisy Girl Scout Meeting

This week Anna had her first Daisy meeting. I also had my first Daisy meeting because I got suckered into the troop leader position. Anna loved having me there and even though the girls have no clue about what we talked about during that first meeting, they all know they had fun!!!

Birthday Party Dinner

After the birthday party, we headed back to the house for dinner and gift opening. Grama, Papa and the Horton's joined us. We chowed down on Anna's request- pepperoni pizza, Doritos, special drinks and cake. It was a great night.

The neighborhood girls, Clare, Carilyn and Lucy, joined us for gift opening. Anna had a blast :)

And of course we needed a group selfie :)

Birthday Party- Swimming