Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy 30th Birthday Mommy!

I love you!


My little Ham Ball!

Happy Birthday to me!

Much Love,

33 weeks

Do I look ready to have this child????

You don't even know.... 7 weeks can't go by fast enough!

My 33 week appointment went great. 3 minutes with the doctor to reassure that the heartbeat is strong, that I am measuring right on 33 weeks and my blood pressure and other numbers are great! In two weeks I see her again for my strep B test and an internal- Yippeeeee!

Much Love and waddling,


We have started Timeouts....

Being that my current approach to discipline was turning into a game that my child was REALLY starting to enjoy, we had to move on to the next level....

I was simply asking her not to do something (like stand on the couch) and if she didn't listen to me, I would count to three and on three I would correct her behavior.... well it didn't take long for Anna to do what she wasn't supposed to do, look at me and start counting one with her finger up in the air ASKING ME TO COUNT and she would be laughing! Then at three she would smile real big and correct the behavior on her own and then once again go back to doing what she wasn't supposed to do. Yup- little #$@^!

So this morning when she was caught standing on the couch and then later when she was pulling cords that were in an outlet, she found herself in her high chair and crib alone for one minute. And I think she actually understood why she was there because since then she hasn't done either thing again.

So, wish us best of luck as we enter this part of parenthood and continue to try to keep our child safe from possible hurting herself! Oh the joys of parenthood!

Much Love and Happy Birthday to Me!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

15 month well visit

We went to see Dr. Austin today for my well visit and she thinks I am doing super well! She was really impressed with how I did not cry at all when she was checking me out- which is a change from the past. I did cry during my 3 shots though... OUCH!

After my visit, we went to get blood work done in the lab to test for lead and other stuff. This was horrible- especially for mommy and daddy. The nurse tied a rubber band on my upper arm and then stuck a needle in me and red blood came out.... I was crying SO hard! I was sitting on daddy's lap and holding mommy's hand but it was horrible! Mommy and daddy told me they are very thankful that I am a healthy girl because they don't think they can watch me go through that again.... I agree!

Here are my numbers from my visit!

Height: 32 1/4 inches- 90th %tile
Weight: 22 lbs 8 oz- 48th %tile
Head circumference: 18 inches- 50th %tile


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas with Fimmens

After our Christmas morning with the Stilley's and early afternoon with the Riggs' we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's for another Christmas. Aunt Anne, Uncle Todd and Kate were already there and so was Peanut! I was so excited to see everyone! We opened gifts, ate a yummy dinner, opened and played with more gifts and spent the night. The next morning we were able to play with all our toys. We had so much fun!

Here I am with my new HUGE teddy bear.... Lambie and I were attacking him!
 Have I mentioned that I have two Lambie's???
Being an elf and helping Grandpa pass out the gifts!
Already taking too much of an interest in Kate's gifts!!!
I wanted to do the crazy cousin dance on the fireplace but there just wasn't enough room!
Opening gifts.
Peanut was exhausted!
Playing with the "ooo" "ooo" the next morning!



Yep- it might look weird but this is how I say "shhhhhh"

I say it when I see doggies and babies sleeping in books and whenever mommy tells me someone's sleeping. She thinks I am so cute!


Christmas with Stilley's

I woke up Christmas morning at Grammy and Poppy's house. Aunt Laura, Uncle Aaron and Henry had also spent the night. We had a great breakfast and then opened up lots of fun gifts! Later that afternoon, Daddy's extended family on Grammy's side came over for lunch and more presents! So much fun!

Here I am helping to deliver some presents!
 Daddy and Henry scouting out the presents!
Opening the presents! 

Family Pictures
Playing Hide and Seek!
I LOVE this spinny thing! Thanks for showing me how to use it Aunt Megan!
Ummm... hummus!
The three pregnant momma's to be in 2011!
I Love my Great Granddaddy!


Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we went to church with Grammy, Poppy, Grandma and Grandpa. It was really cool  going to church with my grandparents because I got to crawl over everyone!! I also loved the music and when each song was over I signed more!!! I was a very good little girl and mommy was proud of me for not crying one bit!

After church, we all came back to my house and Uncle Jeff, Aunt Megan and Aunt Megan's family joined us for dinner. I got to play with everyone for almost an hour and I was a complete ham ball!  I went to bed before they ate, but the food smelt very yummy! Mommy had made lasagna roll ups, tomato gorgonzola soup and meatballs. I have eaten the leftover meatballs and YUM are they good! :)

After I had slept for a couple hours, mommy and daddy woke me up and we drove to Grammy and Poppy's to spend the night. I was SUPER sleepy!

Here are my family pictures from the night!


Family Christmas

When I woke up on Christmas Eve morning the coolest thing happened.... there were presents under the Christmas tree for me! Santa had come!!!

I had set cookies out for him (and ate a few) the night before (and carrots for the reindeer and some blueberries too because EVERYONE loves blueberries) and went to bed like it was just another night.....

 .....And I woke up to this....

I couldn't believe my eyes! We had so much fun opening presents as a family! Daddy wore really cool Santa socks that sang (I LOVED them) and Mommy made homemade doughnuts, cheesy sausage eggs and we ate blueberries! It even snowed a little that day!

I loved all my gifts, but my most favorite one is my pink kitchen. I just LOVE to cook like mommy :)

 Whenever I would open a gift that I liked a lot (pretty much all of them, I would sign more! See below) Mommy and daddy thought this was pretty funny and would give in every time and open the gift for me to play with!

 It was such a cool day!
