Sunday, June 27, 2010

9 months professional pics

Mommy and daddy say that I am such a ham.... what do you think???

The photographer said that I was the most cooperative and happy baby she has had in a LONG time :) Mommy and daddy were super proud of me! Maybe it was because I took 2 naps that were BOTH over one hour long today. Hummmmmm :)


Thursday, June 24, 2010

The King and I

There is nothing more "Akron."


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Trip to O-H-I-O!

Grandpa, Grandma, Aunt Carolyn, Mommy, Tom, Meghan and I all went to Ohio for my cousin Vince's graduation. We had so much fun! I slept the entire drive out to Ohio; from the moment we pulled out of Grandma and Grandpa's driveway to the moment we reached Akron (I had a couple wakings for a couple minutes but went right back to sleep!) So, after the overnight drive which took us 11 hours and only 2 stops (RECORD time!) we spent the week hanging out with the family.

I met so many people and did so many cool things. We went to the Akron zoo, the nature center, Lebron James Appreciation day, my mom's Cousin Vince's graduation party, shopping a couple of times (we bought my next years summer wardrobe on SUPER sale!) and just hung out at Gi Gi's and Great Aunt Linda's.

Daddy came to Ohio on Thursday and spent the weekend with us, I was so happy to see him! So happy to see him that when he got home, he came into check on my while sleeping and I woke RIGHT up to hang out with him! It was that night that I said "Daddy" to him.

We left Sunday morning and even though the next day was supposed to be the Summer Solstice (or something like that), mommy claims that Sunday was the LONGEST day of the year (not Monday!) It took up 14 hours to get home and we were pretty sick of driving. I started screaming a couple of times but was calmed down by an excessive amount of Gerber puffs that my cousin Tom was feeding me.

I can't wait until we go back!


Enjoy the pics!

The Car Ride


The Nature Center

Just Hanging Out at Gi Gi's, Great Aunt Linda's and the Graduation Party!

Lebron James (AKA THE KING) Appreciation Day at Akron U (we got free t-shirts! I gave mine to Great Grandpa Walsh!)


Happy 9 months old!

Happy 9 months old to ME!!!!

 Can we say I get around?!?!? Yup- that's right! I have been a crawling fool this month :)

As for the rest of the stuff I have been up to.....
 * At the beginning of the month I started to move from my belly, to my back to sitting up on my own!
* Out of the blue I started crawling like a MACHINE :)
* Just within the last two weeks or so, I can pull myself up onto things. I have also figured out how to get down from standing up without freaking out :)
 * I say "haaaaiii" to people when they come into a room or when I see them at the grocery store. Grandma says I sound like a southern belle.
* I LOVE balloons and whenever I see them I say "Ba!!!"
 * I got my two top teeth. I know have 4.
* I started eating food with my fingers- Gerber puffs, cut up bananas, tofu and avocado. They get REALLY slimy :( Also I LOVE taking bites out of mommy's apples, bananas and strawberries!
* I can drink from a sippy cup now :)
* I said "Daddy" VERY clear while looking RIGHT at him. He pretty much freaked out :)
* I clap when I do something really neat or when mommy says "clap" or sings "clap your hands together!"
 * I am sleeping much better. My bed time is around 7 (but I hear it's going to be even earlier soon :() I was waking up around 4:30 but now I am sleeping until around 5:30 - 6 with a couple of brief wakings during the night. Sometimes I wake up all happy and talking. I am getting better at napping in my crib but mommy thinks we still have work to do. NO MORE SWING FOR ME :(
* I love to sleep on my belly with my mouth WIDE open- just like mommy. (But I don't drool nearly as much !)
* I belly laugh REALLY hard when I get tickled almost anywhere, when we play parachute with sheets and when we chase Peanut around the apartment.
* Believe it or not, I opened my first cabinet at my Grandma's all by myself. Mommy and daddy better start childproofing :)
* I am starting to wave. I stick my hand straight out and kind of move my fingers... next month I'll get it down!
* My favorite toy is my play house and I love BIG balls!

How much fun I have had as a 9 month old!
