Wednesday, April 28, 2010


A couple of days ago I was doing SO BIG for Grama ALL DAY LONG! Once mommy showed up to pick me up there wasn't a chance I was showing her my new trick!

Last night when mommy, daddy, Grama and Papa were eating pizza (after doing TONS around the house) I decided to show off my new trick. I probably did it for 10 minutes and daddy got it on video!

Watch how cute and talented I am! How big is Anna..... SO BIG!!! I LOVE it!


Fimmen Cousins

Two weeks ago, Tom and Meghan were in town for the weekend. We got to hand out a lot with them! OH we had so much fun :) I love my cousins!

Meghan and I had so much fun- she's just a little bigger then me but she teaches me so much!
The girls

Most pictures looked like this one:

But we got a good one!

I just might...

I just might make out with the grout doctor..... Good thing I was working today while he was sparkling up our bathroom with his magic! WOW- Can I say completely different?

For those of you who know me well, you know I couldn't stand our pink and green bathroom. If you looked closely I swear there was mildew and nastiness from the owners during the 1960's. While taking a bath last night I thought the mildew was going to attack me. But seriously.... NOW I COULD MAKE OUT WITH IT!

Check out the pics.

Who would have thought I'd eventually like the bathroom???? Grout Doctor- you are my hero.

Much Love Grout Doctor,

Monday, April 26, 2010


Puke! I DO NOT LIKE non-organic rice cereal. PUKE!

I am an organic snob..... I tried non organic rice cereal last week and puked 3 times- mommy and daddy thought I was sick so they brought me to the doctor.

I tried it again for dinner last night and PUKE! Yep- I woke up at 10 pm with puke all over me! I got to take a late bath and hang out with mommy and daddy for a little bit. Once I ate more b-milk I was a-ok!

At least we know now for sure that I was never sick last week :) And they put me on a liquid diet for what reason?!?!?!?

Organic eating cereal Anna :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Move in #1

So, we are all moved in! Well. If you call stacking boxes in an apartment then we are!

We successfully loaded a 3-4 room Budget truck on Friday afternoon- Rob did a splendid job packing it by the way. It took us around 2 hours to load up the truck with the help from Todd and Aaron. We padlocked the car and went to bed knowing that half of our possessions were just sitting in our driveway waiting for someone to break into it and drive off......

......But no worries, it was there when we woke up in the morning! That next morning, Rob's parents helped us move down our things and also helped us unpack. Anna was a pretty good girl on the way down but was really craving some b-milk 45 minutes outside of Wichita. Of course, the girl won and we pulled over to feed her. Besides that, awesome job from Anna!

Our friends brother David and his wife Danielle, who live in Maize, KS, were SO nice to come and help us unpack the heavy things once we got to the apartment. They unloaded even some of the none heavy things as well- thanks a ton!

With all the boxes in, we set up Anna's room so she could play..... she tied with her daddy for packing and bringing the most boxes to the apartment- don't worry I DEFINITELY have the most boxes that are left at home :)

The weather worked out great, raining late in the afternoon, and we got a lot done! After a great dinner at Larkspur in Wichita's downtown Old Town Marketplace, we all went back tired. And the best part of the night.... Anna slept 9 hours straight!!!!!!!! Woo-hooooo! Oh AND she has a little hole in her gums where a tooth will be coming out VERY soon! I can't wait! And by the way the State of Kansas- my little girl would REALLY benefit if 1-35 went to a speed limit of 80 mph..... 2 3/4 hours is just a tid bit too long for a baby to make it without food!

Much thanks to Jim and Mary- you guys helped out more than you know!

Now off to B-E-A-U-T-I-F-Y the place to put on the market this week!

Much Love, Moving, Cleaning and Painting,

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Seven Months Old

Happy seven months old to me!

I have been up to a lot this month. Most of my days were spent with Daddy, Grammy or Grama while mommy did her subbing. She only has one week left- YEA! But then we move to Wichita- BOO!

*My favorite toys are still the Johnny Jumper and my Rock Band set.
*I love to sleep in my swing- I get my longest naps then. Sometimes 3 hours! Without my swing, I am taking 3 30-45 minute naps a day.
*I am eating lots of solid foods. This month I have tried pears, apples, peas, and mashed red potatoes. Apples are my favorite.
*Most of the time I say mmmmmmm after each bite when eating!
*I reach for the person I want to hold me. I also reach up for people to lift me.
*I have a serious long reach when I am sitting up- I pretty much fold my body in half with my belly touching the ground. Mommy and daddy are amazed at the toys I can grab! If I want it, I can get it!
 *Starting to hold my bottle for a short period of time.
*I smile ALL the time :) I really only get fussy when I am hungry or tired or when I see momma across a room.
*I like to take my diaper off when I am naked!
 *When I can, I hold onto my swing, the car seat, Grama's swing, my Johnny Jumper and anything that I can with two hands. I ALWAYS try to pull myself up!
 *I like to rub my thumb with my fingers on my right hand. Mommy and daddy call it "fiddling!" It's funny because I hold my hand up high in the air while I do it.
*I like to give people hugs- especially mommy and daddy
*I am not sleeping through the night. I wake up 2-3 times to socialize and eat. I usually fall asleep pretty quickly after getting my fix. Fingers crossed for mommy and daddy- I have only woken up once the last two nights. I am sleeping 10 1/2-11 1/2 hours at night time.
*I FINALLY rolled over back to tummy, back to tummy to back and today rolled across the entire playroom from toy to toy! Watch out world and brother- Here I COME!
*I said "mamamamama" to daddy and I say "dadadadada" a lot!
*I am beginning to scoot across the floor to get to my toys. I LOVE picking up and turning around my pink toy box and play yard!
 *I love the game peek-a-boo. I will play it all by myself with a burp cloth. We all laugh SO hard! I like to look for people hidden behind things by looking up, down and around!
*I talked back to mommy for the first time- she told me NO to pulling her hair and I let her have it!
*I am beginning to wake  up on the opposite side of my crib. ROLY POLY!
*I still love watching Peanut and will look above, below and around things to find him.
*I still LOVE music and rocky rock every time I hear it- especially the music on Grama's Disney sing a long movie.

Boy was I busy this month!


Deanna Rose Farmstead

A couple weeks ago mommy, daddy and I went to Deanna Rose Farm. We had so much fun! Even though I slept through the first 30 minutes of it I woke up in time to see so many real life animals! I saw ducks, cows, horses, bunnies and goats! I loved it so much I can't wait to go back!



Post #300!

Boy do we love Blogging :)

Jenny and Anna

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Boogies and MORE BOOGIES!

I had a REALLY bad cold (I gave it to mommy) with LOTS of boogies two weeks ago.... and guess what? THE BOOGIES ARE BACK :(

And it's not just boogies.... my cries, babbles and coughs are raspy AND I puked 3 times today- ALL on DADDY! He had to change his shirt and my clothes 4 times :(

We went to see Dr. Austin and she said I had a virus. Since I am contagious until after my poops aren't runny I have to stay away from the cousins. BOO!

Looks like another day with daddy is in order.


Monday, April 19, 2010


I FINALLY got to meet my Great Grandma Fimmen- we call her Gi-Gi!

She came into Kansas City all the way from Ohio. OH I just love her so much!

I spent all Friday with her while mommy was working and we all got together today for a HUGE lunch/dinner. She is so nice and I Love her SO MUCH!


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fimmen "Dundee" Awards

For March Madness this year, my side did a bracket pool.

With Kansas losing early on and with all the other upsets of the tournament, we all gave up hope on possibly winning the pool. Out of NOWHERE Carolyn's faith in DUKE made her the Champion of the pool. What did she win? $30 and THE BIG TROPHY!

Dad and Rob tied for 2nd bringing home a BIG trophy.

I placed third and won the itty bitty trophy.

Anne placed last and what did she get??? The ballerina trophy because according to dad she did participate in the BIG DANCE!

At the awards ceremony today, Carolyn got a little cocky about next year and said she wanted to raise the entry fee from $5 per person to $50. I think she's had enough glory for now :)

Much Love (and shhhhhh we purposely left the trophy's at my parents so we don't have to pack it),


Something looks different.....

A House Divided no more.
One person's "celebration".... another person's "relief"....

RIP... we will miss you.

Our fish found a new home in Raytown, Missouri and the tank found a new home in Hiawatha, Kansas. Our many disputes and discussions over it being in my dining room will be missed.

When we moved it, we got a little nervous that it destroyed the floors....

...... but no worries.... the black stuff came off with a rag! Floors look great :)

Much Love and It's Not A Secret That I'm Smiling,

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Packing up

Our house is bursting with boxes! Empty ones, full ones, small ones, big ones..... I wish I had a fairy godmother, singing mice or ruby slippers to make the mess pack itself up. I guess Rob will have to do :)

Man do we ever accumulate stuff? It feels like we JUST ran three car loads to GOODWILL! We had 2 garage sales last year and we STILL manage to be able to donate just as much as we did last fall!

WOW- WHAT A DAY! A full day of packing and TONS got done! I really think we will have the house all packed up this week and ready to move into the apartment next weekend. Sore ankles and calves means a good days work and off to bed this tired momma goes!

And how could I forget to I mention Anna's 3 hour long nap?? Yep! Now if only they made swings for babies over 20 pounds! :) I felt like the "bad" mom resorting to what I knew would make her sleep.... the swing BUT she fell  victim to sleep within a minute of rocking (who could blame me).... and this momma maybe felt guilty for maybe 30 more minutes and got a crap load done in 3 hours.... I must say I did check to make sure she was still alive about 4 times!

Much Love and Packing,

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Seen Anna?

It's pretty crazy around here.... has anyone seen Anna? Hopefully she didn't get packed up in one of the boxes......

Ooops! PEEK-A-BOO! There she is :)

Much Love,

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Our new "home"

This past weekend we went down to Wichita to check out apartments to rent for 4 months while we look around the area for a house and area to move into come this Fall. We had planned to visit 3-4 complexes and then pick our favorite, but it only took us going to one and saying- Yup- this will do!

So here is our new home starting May 1..... and you won't believe it... the neighbor across the way has a cat. So.... out blinds will be closed ALL THE TIME because Peanut will go ballistic! Oh the blogs that will be posted about Peanut in the apartment.... hahaha!

We get the apartment Saturday, April 23 and plan to move all our stuff in that day. We will return to KC that next week to get the house ready (oh lord help us) and move for good Saturday May 1...... Did I mention my sub job ends Friday April 30th??? Oh the timing...... :) We plan on being back pretty much every weekend until the house is completely packed up and cleaned up!

We were pretty shocked at how much we liked Wichita- we stayed in the Northeast part of the city. It reminded us a lot of Kansas City. We also were surprised at all the shopping/restaurants that there were because we were told there wasn't much. We ate at a great little place called Bella Luna Cafe and plan on making it the place we take all our visitors..... so.... who wants to schedule a visit?!?!?!

Wish us well!

Much Love and a laundry list of stuff to do,

Don't like

I DO NOT like hotels!

This past weekend, mommy, daddy and I went down to Wichita to rent an apartment for when we move there. We stayed the night at a hotel and I DID NOT like it one bit!

I LOVED it when I was awake, but hated it when it was time to sleep! Hated it SO much that I woke up just about EVERY hour from midnight to 7 am...... we were all exhausted the next day! You would have thought I would have slept the whole car ride home the next day..... NOPE I cried for over half the trip making mommy and daddy pull over 2 times to play with me! I was happy when they did that but they weren't!
