Saturday, April 17, 2010

Packing up

Our house is bursting with boxes! Empty ones, full ones, small ones, big ones..... I wish I had a fairy godmother, singing mice or ruby slippers to make the mess pack itself up. I guess Rob will have to do :)

Man do we ever accumulate stuff? It feels like we JUST ran three car loads to GOODWILL! We had 2 garage sales last year and we STILL manage to be able to donate just as much as we did last fall!

WOW- WHAT A DAY! A full day of packing and TONS got done! I really think we will have the house all packed up this week and ready to move into the apartment next weekend. Sore ankles and calves means a good days work and off to bed this tired momma goes!

And how could I forget to I mention Anna's 3 hour long nap?? Yep! Now if only they made swings for babies over 20 pounds! :) I felt like the "bad" mom resorting to what I knew would make her sleep.... the swing BUT she fell  victim to sleep within a minute of rocking (who could blame me).... and this momma maybe felt guilty for maybe 30 more minutes and got a crap load done in 3 hours.... I must say I did check to make sure she was still alive about 4 times!

Much Love and Packing,


  1. You HAVE been busy! I don't know how you are finding time to do it all so quickly. Surely Anna was exhausted from all the folding & packing & cleaning you've been forcing her to do. :) What about Peanut? Is he helping to pack up his toys & hoodies? How is he doing ... does he know something's up?

  2. Peanut SO knows something is up! He is going crazy because we are removing area rugs one by one and the poor baby is still afraid of the hardwoods!!! OH my!
