Thursday, April 22, 2010

Seven Months Old

Happy seven months old to me!

I have been up to a lot this month. Most of my days were spent with Daddy, Grammy or Grama while mommy did her subbing. She only has one week left- YEA! But then we move to Wichita- BOO!

*My favorite toys are still the Johnny Jumper and my Rock Band set.
*I love to sleep in my swing- I get my longest naps then. Sometimes 3 hours! Without my swing, I am taking 3 30-45 minute naps a day.
*I am eating lots of solid foods. This month I have tried pears, apples, peas, and mashed red potatoes. Apples are my favorite.
*Most of the time I say mmmmmmm after each bite when eating!
*I reach for the person I want to hold me. I also reach up for people to lift me.
*I have a serious long reach when I am sitting up- I pretty much fold my body in half with my belly touching the ground. Mommy and daddy are amazed at the toys I can grab! If I want it, I can get it!
 *Starting to hold my bottle for a short period of time.
*I smile ALL the time :) I really only get fussy when I am hungry or tired or when I see momma across a room.
*I like to take my diaper off when I am naked!
 *When I can, I hold onto my swing, the car seat, Grama's swing, my Johnny Jumper and anything that I can with two hands. I ALWAYS try to pull myself up!
 *I like to rub my thumb with my fingers on my right hand. Mommy and daddy call it "fiddling!" It's funny because I hold my hand up high in the air while I do it.
*I like to give people hugs- especially mommy and daddy
*I am not sleeping through the night. I wake up 2-3 times to socialize and eat. I usually fall asleep pretty quickly after getting my fix. Fingers crossed for mommy and daddy- I have only woken up once the last two nights. I am sleeping 10 1/2-11 1/2 hours at night time.
*I FINALLY rolled over back to tummy, back to tummy to back and today rolled across the entire playroom from toy to toy! Watch out world and brother- Here I COME!
*I said "mamamamama" to daddy and I say "dadadadada" a lot!
*I am beginning to scoot across the floor to get to my toys. I LOVE picking up and turning around my pink toy box and play yard!
 *I love the game peek-a-boo. I will play it all by myself with a burp cloth. We all laugh SO hard! I like to look for people hidden behind things by looking up, down and around!
*I talked back to mommy for the first time- she told me NO to pulling her hair and I let her have it!
*I am beginning to wake  up on the opposite side of my crib. ROLY POLY!
*I still love watching Peanut and will look above, below and around things to find him.
*I still LOVE music and rocky rock every time I hear it- especially the music on Grama's Disney sing a long movie.

Boy was I busy this month!


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