Sunday, March 30, 2014

Black Bob PArk

We stumbled upon the coolest part last week; a park we like to call ARENDELL (from Frozen). It is really called Blackbob park and it has a castle playground. The girls are SO in love... best park EVER!!!!! They run around pretending to be Anna and Elsa and not once have they asked to swing on the swings- BONUS!!!

 Abby LOVES my keys!

I think we will be spending many hours here as weather gets nice.

Much Love,

Rub a dub dub- 3 cuties in a tub!

Bath time sure is fun in this house!

They LOVE baths :)

Much Love,

Friday, March 21, 2014

Sympathy Boo Boo

I don't know who milked Anna's stitches more; Anna or Ashley???

While in Texas Ashley disappeared upstairs for a while (ok she was asked to go upstairs and lay down for a wile since she was not being nice) and came down with a band aid in the SAME spot as Anna. She continued wearing a band aid on her forehead for 5 days. Do you think some one was possibly craving attention?!?!?!

When we showed up at the hospital the nurse asked which one was Anna since they both looked like they had had stitches. I couldn't help but laugh at this....

Oh my Ash Ash. You are such a pistol :)

Much love,

Anne's pictures from Texas

Tight fit in the minivan but PHEW!!!! All 7 of us fit!!!

Ready to load the train!

Cousin pic- and me leaning to not get in the picture- just makes this picture more funny!!!

All the kids ended up on the floor the next night.... kind of funny how they all wanted to sleep on the floor!

Nothing like a green baby stache!!!

Please take a close look at Ashley........ pout.. pout... pout!

We saw the ENTIRE rainbow!!! First rainbow for the girls to see!

Seriously, look at Ashley. At least she was in the picture, right?????


Double Rainbow

She kept falling asleep on the drive with french fries in her hands. and then she would wake up and continue to eat them :)

When in Texas...........

St Patrick's Day in Texas

Happy St. Patrick's day!!!!!

Weekend in Texas

Last weekend the girls and I hit the road with Grama, Aunt Anne and Kate and headed to Texas to visit the Fimmen cousins. And we had a blast!!!!!

The cousins all slept in the same bedroom all three nights (with Chatterbox Tom) and rotated beds/sleeping spaces on the floor every night. Anna LOVED sleeping in the top/bottom bunk and Ashley the floor. During the day we played in their huge backyard, on the trampoline, on the swings, in the tree house, feed the neighbors horses and even rode around in the back of Uncle Tom's truck. It was pretty cool!!! We also played Go fish, pictionary (which was a blast!), and read tons of the cousins books inside. We just loved being at their house!!!

On our first day we went on an old fashion train ride to the Fort Worth stockyards for the St. Patricks Day parade. We never saw the parade because it started pouring rain on us!!!!! But don't worry, we did hit up the first of 2 candy shops of the weekend! They after surviving our train ride home, it was stuck on the track for over an hour, we arrived back to our car to see the most amazing rainbow ever; and it was an ENTIRE rainbow!!!!!! And there was also a double rainbow. It was our first rainbow to ever see :)

On our second day we went into the town where Babe's chicken is (I forget the name) and ate at a burger joint and hit up the second candy store. Then we went home and Anna had a much needed nap. Ashley resisted her nap and continued to be a beast for mommy and anyone who told her what to do and what not to do. Gotta love the 3 year olds :)

Can't wait to visit again. We had such a fun fun time!!!

I will post pictures as I get them from Anne, mom and Carolyn. I did not take a single picture since I had no nap Ashley keeping me on my toes and testing my patience pretty much the entire trip! Good thing these 3 went crazy with the picture taking for me :)

Much Love,


We can not wait to watch this in the car on our next road trip!!!!!!!!!

Anna and Ashley


After the morning at Kidscape, it was lunch at Fritz's in Shawnee!!! Choooooo chooooo!

Much Love,

Johnson County Museum- Kidscape

Today we went with our neighbors, The Harper's, to Kidscape at the Johnson County Museum in Shawnee. It is a small and free kid scale town set up for pretend play. It was pretty awesome. I had been meaning to check this out for a while now so was pretty pumped to find out that it's worth going to again. The girls LOVED the library, the doctor's office, delivering mail, fishing in the park and making bracelets and coloring. I think they will love it even more when we go again since they were a bit overwhelmed with the amount of choices they had :)

Much Love,