Thursday, March 6, 2014

Our Thursday

So.... I decided to add a little more challenge to my everyday and take you on a photo journey of a normal Thursday (plus a trip to the dentist) in the lives of the Stilley Girls.....

I have been meaning to do this for a while now (would love to do this for everyday of the week since our days differ a lot) and am glad my sister in law Megan did it recently on her blog, inspiring me to buck up and do it. So I did it.... and WOW.....Super fun to look back at and laugh at as I sit here eating enough girl scout cookies to feed a small village, but maybe I should hire someone to do the other days :) That was WORK!!!! Now, of course I probably went WAY to much in detail, taking just over 150 pictures, and picked the most busy day of the week; BUT I wanted to convey our crazy life these days... so enjoy!!

OH and during the only 15 minutes break I had to myself during the past 14 hours, I had edited the pictures and somehow deleted the folder. Go figure, right? So here are my pics unedited but still telling the same crazy story!!!

7:02 the day begins.... I wake up to this right next to me....
I fall back asleep...

7:14 I wake up to this next to me.....
 "Go find your sister... she's awake somewhere," I say...

7:32 I wake to Abby crying. Back in my bed she is wide eyed and ready to nurse!
 8:00 We find them in an intense game of Go Fish
 Abby dives into breakfast... bananas and berry/pear oatmeal
 I attempt to unload the dishwasher
 Ashley interupts with my first butt wipe of the day
 At the same time someone else needs to poop....
 8:30 She comes back dressed by herself for the day
 Pretending to be Anna and else from Frozen, they prepare and eat their breakfast on their own- yogurt, granola and berries
 Diaper Change #1 (and a clothing change!)
 Play time in mommy's room while mommy "gets ready"
 WOW- major work needed!!!! Just enough time to pull hair back, change into a sweatshirt and wash the black eyes!
8:50 The older two join in on the party
 9:00 Anna picks out preschool clothes and Ashley finds a swimming suit

At 9:12 I make the decision to wear my motivational socks. For some reason I feel like I am going to need them today!
 LEt's go get em! Typical day of yoga pants and a sweatshirt
And then I step on and break a tiara that Anna had left on the ground. Luckily no tears; just a lecture from me to them about how someday one of us is going to hurt ourselves tripping over things (and I realize I sound like my parents)
 9:17 Quick hair brushing and just a couple of "OUCH Mommy! Too hard! Too fast!!"
 Putting on socks is like pulling teeth
And then there's another lecture about how Abby will chew up all their books if they are not put away.... Abby cries when it is yanked from her hands by sister
 Survey the damage on breakfast- pretty good for this crew....
 9:20... "Girls don't make me ask again.... BOOTS ON!!!" It's just too fun being Elsa and Anna and dancing!!
 9:21 Once in car have to run in for all my forms to be droped off that day....
 My last minute breakfast.....
 And of course my phone that I had already lost 2 times before 10 am....
 9:24 To my amazement, all 3 kids are buckled up and ready to go by the time I get back from finding my things...

 9:28 pull into preschool.... Can't wait for winter to be over. Am SO over the coat off/on deal in the minivan!
 The whole gang has to get out of the car to drop Anna off! (There's Kendall!!!)
 9:40 Just Ash Ash in the back seat!!!
 Bucking up Again.... This is painstakingly slow... can literally take 5 minutes.... luckily this time it took 1
 EEK!!! I notice I need some serious eyebrow waxing/plucking..... WOW....
 9:48 At swimming!!!

 10:00 Lesson

 Followed by 40 minutes of playtime

 10:20 Abby falls victim to nap #1
 11:10 Shower, dress and blow dry hair in the dressing room. Nothing to it folks.... just takes about 20 minutes :) And there usually is a breakdown in their... today it was over the fact that she didn't like swimming because I made her leave the pool... Yup... makes tons of sense. She was hungry and tired...
 "Mommy! Take lots of pictures of me!!!"

 4 minutes later she gets buckled
 picks her nose...
 Eats it and shows me that it's all gone.
"Ashley why do you pick your nose?"
"Mommy because it takes soooooo good and yummy!"
Great... I have a child who thinks boogers are dessert.... great.
While Ashley buckles herself in, in my visor mirror I check out my hair that has been made into a fluffy mess from the pool humidity and find a massive amount of greys. I really need to do something about this... I am falling apart here!!
 Breakdown #2... I just really want you to take another picture of me..... serious. That is what it was over... she was crying because she wanted another picture....
11:40 Snack while mommy nurses Abby in mommy's room. Goldfish, strawberries and blueberries
 11:52: Full baby... Happy Baby
 11:53 Quick Make Up Application.
 Grab the dental forms... CRAP! They haven't been filled out!!!!
 11:54 Ever wonder why I keep mascara in my car? It's the only place I have time to put it on! Ashley buckles, I apply :)
 11:56 Buckled in again! Off to get Anna!
12:00 Pick up Anna from preschool
12:05 Having a "moment" in the parking lot..... We find green paci in the parking lot... she gets really nervous that it was the paci she gave to the babies. Had to reassure her many times it wasn't....
 Buckled in again.... this time it took 6 minutes.....
 12:18 Run into Taco Bell to use the restroom.
 We realize at that moment that Ashley never put on panties after swimming.... OOPS!!!! commando!
 Decide to order some tacos and let Abby devour her banana vanilla crisps
We rarely eat out but since we had to be at the dentist in 30 minutes it would be much faster then going home. the girls wanted McDonald's AGAIN but mommy won out!
 12:40 Finishing the Doritos in the car and yup, Anna spills her drink all over the front of her in the car...
 12:48 We pull up to the dentist soaking wet....
 and with Doritos all over our face....
1:02 The rug rats are cleaned up and waiting in the waiting room.
 Abby gets her yogurt for lunch.
 2:45 We are finally done with the dentist. Ashley tells me on the way out, "I was really nervous mommy" and then hugs my leg. Poor baby girl. Luckily it was a great dental visit!
 The girls had chosen pretend mustaches as their toy....
 They lasted literally 10 seconds....
 Breakdown #3.... knew it was coming..... nap was LONG due!! This one was over the fact that she wanted more ice cream (the dentist gave them one scoop of ice cream and she wanted more once she ate it all outside).
 It went on and on and on.... she did finally buckle herself in
 And you can bet your bottom dollar we were up in their room and ready for naps ASAP
 3:05 Abby is happy on the floor while I begin reading bedtime books. Ashley is still crying over ice cream...
 3:07 Ashley stops crying and transfers her tears to Abby. She starts up....
 3:10 Abby is nursed while the girls (Ashley) fall asleep and she puts herself to sleep around 3:30


 3:25. Ashley is passed out when I check...
 Anna is not. She is told to read until 3:45
3:40 Ahhhhhh... my time......
3:50: "No, No, No!!!" Comes from Anna and Ashley's room.... To keep Anna from waking Ashley (she was REALLY into a book) she continues reading one of my parenting books in the office with me while I attempt to edit some pictures...
 5 minutes later the pictures are deleted and I give up...
4:00 Anna gives me strict instruction that when she beeps it is time to go play go fish.... she tells me that I have been doing my own stuff for WAY too long... instead she shows me all the words she knows in the book
 4:15 I have to go wake the monster....
 She is a bear to wake when not ready.....
 She is now happy with me...
 Not at all....
 She runs to my room to try and sleep some more....
 I go in to try and calm her down...
 But get my second butt wipe call of the day from Anna who is downstairs....
 4:20 Anna keep bothering Ashley to play Frozen. All Ashley wants to do is sleep...
 4:28 Oh Crap!!!! Dinner... what to make for dinner!!!
 Peanut needs out....
 Ashley is still not happy..... no she just wants the whole family.....
 Abby is awake....
 Luckily cuddling with Abby in mommy and daddy's bed does the trick!

 Happy again!
 4:35 "Mommy I won Go Fish playing all by myself!!!!"
 And then they play....
 4:40 Peanut's bark can only mean one thing.....

 DADDY'S HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 5:00 Dinner in oven
 Girls have an appetizer of cheese.... "Yuck mommy! It feels funny on my teeth!" She had gotten a flouride treatment
 Third wipe my butt call of the day... this time for Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Unloading the school backpack
 Pretty bear Anna!!!
 Hugs for Daddy! Ashley
 Abby is as happy as can be playing in her exersaucer
 And hugging and kissing Daddy

 5:30 Playing with Daddy while mommy finishes up dinner

 Peanut takes his allergy medicine. We are unsure of a rash; either an allergy or thyroid disease. Let's hope an allergy.
 Another round of Go Fish
 Mommy begins dishes....
 Serves up the dinner
 5:45 dinner time!!!!
 Anna receives the greatest compliment of her life....
Ashley: (to Anna) You are the greatest sister in the whole wide world!!!!!!!!!!!
 5:49 the girls are done... or have had 5 bites...
 Abby is first one to eat, last one to finish.... She is one mighty eater!!! Loved the pork tenderloin
 6:00 Cookie time!

 "Anna and Elsa"
 Still eating with Peanut....
 Change the filters..... (such a handy man!)
 Clean the counters
 6:30 Girls pick out a family game
 Daddy starts pushing Abby to crawl (he wants mommy's week alone with the girls to be super uneventful :))
 She's ALMOST there!!!!!

7:00 WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER!!!! (She may have cheated a couple of times with rolling the dice but hey, she's 3)
 Abby was found under the dining room table.....
 7:40 and we did.

 Wow. Nothing to it! We earned those girl scout cookies tonight :)

Much Love,


  1. Oh man, this post had me laughing. It is all too true. The nose picking? What is with that? Leland does the same thing lately. When I tell him not to eat it, he just says it is already gone. 3 year olds.

  2. LOVE this! I can totally relate to so many things…gray hairs, black under the eyes, carseat buckling in, tantrums, etc.
    I need to do this soon!
