Sunday, March 2, 2014

9 months old

Happy 9 months old Abby!

 I took away the 9 month circle label... needless to say she was not happy....
So then I gave it back....
 And then it went STRAIGHT to the mouth!
 And she was happy again....

*She is still breast feeding. She nurses every 4 hours, 5 times a day. She is eating breakfast, lunch and dinner. She has started eating more finger foods and that has made meal time easier for when I am also eating. She likes just about everything I make her; I make all her baby food still.
*She usually goes to bed around 7. If I wake her to eat around 11 she will sleep until 7 the next morning. If I don't wake her, she usually wakes around 3:30ish to eat and then sleeps to around 8 the next morning. So she is getting at least 8 hours of straight sleep each night (waking only briefly to eat) and then sleeping 4 more. She sleeps with her Elmo doll and birdy blanket. She has yet to build an attachment to anything. She can put herself to sleep easily; usually after no more then 5 minutes of fussing/whining.
*She sometimes takes 3 naps but most of the time takes 2. They range from 30 minutes to an hour.
*Puts EVERYTHING to her mouth. She has her two bottom teeth and her two top ones are about to erupt through the gums.
*She has attached her "mama" to when she sees me and her "dada" to when she sees daddy.
*She can throw and roll a ball.
*She is pretty good at giving 5's
*She isn't crawling yet but she is super close!!!!! She is rocking on all fours now and can easily go from sitting on her bottom to the crawling position. She also scoots on her bottom to get around.
*When I put her down to sleep she rolls over on her side. I more often then not find her sleeping/waking up on her belly.
*She is really figuring out things. She pulls on strings to get toys. She also puls on blankets and rugs to move toys/objects closer.
*Loves flipping through books.
*Loves to do "SO BIG" and does it whenever asked!
*She got her own sippy cup and can almost drink it on her own.
*She is super ticklish. Her arm pits, belly and sides make her giggle SO hard!
*Her favorite toys are the play house, play table, water bottles with toys in it, ELMO dominos and ANYTHING she can put her mouth on.
*Loves peek a boo
*She is always smiling. Seriously the HAPPIEST baby ever! She is so content with a huge smile just sitting and watching everyone move around her.
*Although she is a happy baby, don't take things away from her- she will let you know just how mad and unhappy she can get!!!! She is definitely learning to voice frustration.

Much Love,

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