Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Cheer Camp

This week it's off to cheerleading camp!

The girls are doing Lynn O'Brien cheer camp all week for 2 hours a day. They will perform at the end of the week at a Friday night T-bones game and also at the 4th of July parade in Lenexa on Saturday.

So far they are 2 days into it and loving it. Ashley had a hard time at first but seems to really enjoy it. They love sharing their cheers with me when I pick them up. And they are enjoying their friends a lot!!!! They are doing the camp with Clare, Carilyn, Emma (all 3 neighbors), and Anna's preschool friends (Anna Scheibel, Lainey, Ambriella and Brooke). It sure helps when you know so many kids at camp :)

Why does she look so big???

Where has my baby gone?!?!?!

The Barn

Our first stop while in the Gull Lake area of Minnesota....

We ate at an old fashioned diner counter with some men that reminded me of the movie Grumpy Old Men....

Drank some Pepsi Cola (Please, please, please MOMMY!!!)

Drank some Orange special drink (please, please please MOMMY!)

Ate some pie and crackers....

And were then on our way to the Arboretum :) What a fun and different place for us to eat.

Fimmen Time in MN

To start our vacation in Minnesota off, we got together with some of my aunts, uncles and cousins who live in Minneapolis. Rob joined in on the fun later after his flight got in from Austin, Texas where he had been for a conference for a couple days prior. We all met at a park on a lake where the girls went beach swimming (I was quickly reminded of Abby's hatred of sand on her feet), had a nice BBQ, the kids played together (with my cousin Kate's kids Anna and Hudson) and my cousin Jon even taught the kids to fish off the dock. Then afterwards we spent the night at my Aunt Jeanne's. It was a very nice evening :)

Hard to tell here but Anna caught a dragonfly :)

Drive to MN

I did this.

Yes. All by myself. At 11 pm the night before leaving for Rob's family trip in Minnesota. I packed the car top carrier. Imagine me... 11 pm and hot on top of the car. Yes literally on top of the car yanking and pulling that thing tight (after filling it of course). I am amazing.

Then the next day the girls and I head out of KC after Anna's swim practice at 9. We rocked the car trip; stopping only 2 times and making it to my aunt's house in Minneapolis a little over 6 1/2 hours.Once again, Amazing.

As for the drive, it was a pretty uneventful trip. I even thought all my girls had fallen asleep since they had gotten so quiet. But no.... no one slept...... at all..... not even for a couple minutes..... They were instead doing this....

Come on, what 2 year old doesn't sleep on a 6 1/2 hour car ride?

Instead she was way too into what her sissies were doing and learning how to draw all over her body with the help from her teacher, Ashley. Oh my Ash Ash.

No fear, it was all washable :) Made for one funny end of a car ride though.

Last tball game

Anna's last t-ball game of the season was this past Saturday. It was a short season (she was there for 5 of the 6 games) but a great season.

She loved every bit of it and says she can't wait to play again; especially if she gets another trophy :)

The Royals

Her first of many trophies :)