Monday, June 1, 2015

First T-ball Game

This past Saturday Anna had her first t-ball game with her team the Royals. And she learned a TON!

She had only been to one practice (all the others were rained out) and had never really watched a baseball game to understand what was going on. So she was pretty much adorable to watch! She wasn't nervous at all about the game; she was excited and clueless. Before the game I just reminded her to have fun. And that she did.

Her team was on the field first and for the first 6 batters Anna was by second base looking great in her "hands on her knees" ready position. Then for the next 6 batters she was moved into the pitching position- the line of fire for t-ball folks. And she did an awesome job running to the ball and getting it in her glove. And for the first couple times she was clueless with what to do with the ball. She simply picked it up, looked around and smiled. Everyone was yelling throw it, she looked confused. Then the coach said throw it to first base so she threw it underhand like she does during warm ups with her partner. It was adorable. But by the last batter she knew to get the ball in her mitt, take it out and throw overhand to first base. I can't wait to see her get the ball again :)

As for batting she did great. In the 3 times she was up, she hit it on the first try 2 out of the 3 tries. The other time she hit the tee so hard it fell over :) I told her I was proud of her for hitting it that hard! When she first hit she didn't know what to do. She ran, walked and then jogged to first base after people were yelling run!!!! She definitely got the hang of it by the third time.

At the end of the game we asked her if she liked it and she said, "Yes! Can we play again?!?!" Can't wait to watch you grow in softball. We are so proud of you for getting out and trying something new!

So happy she got the ball!!!

She is giving her shirt and thumbs up here :)

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