Sunday, June 14, 2015


VBS started this week at Grace Church. Anna went last year and absolutely loved it. Ashley couldn't wait to go.... until she actually went.....

When Ashley got home the first day, "Mommy, I don't want to go back. I don't like bible camp."

Anna's response, "HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE IT?!?!?!?!" Anna was in her glory being in the same group of two of her best girl friends (Kendall from Preschool and Brooke from Church) and friend Cooper Jones.

And in response to Anna's comment above, Ashley says, "Mommy. I miss Mommy." Oh my little momma's girl.....

I get a sense that this is what like is going to be like- Anna all gung ho and ready and Ashley wanting mommy.....

So when dropping Ashley off on the second day......
"I don't want to go back to Bible Camp mommy. I miss you."

We exchanged kissing hands and hugs and then not even 2 1/2 hours later after picking her up she yells, "I want to go every day to bible camp mommy. I had the goodest time!" Thank goodness!!!!!

When they get home they run straight to the CD player to put on the VBS music and show me their current show moves. It is so fun watching these two.

As for what they's been up to at camp-

1) We created masks to remind us of the people of Brazil where that is particularly popular.  See if they can tell you anything about the people in Brazil/Amazon.

2) We “painted” with acrylic paint and shaving cream on a cross to remind that Jesus loved us so much He died for our sins. (This weekend the girls showed Daddy how to paint like this. It was hilarious watching him letting them teach him shaving cream painting!)

3) We made an offering box of craft sticks so we could choose to save some of our money for people that have real needs like those in Haiti, Brazil and Kurdistan

4) We made two hygiene bags - one to keep and one that the Brazil team has taken with them to give to the kids there.

On the evening of the last day of camp they had a performance for the parents to come and see all the did in camp that week. The girls performed like all stars nailing down the moves and having the time of their lives! They chose to go to the performance over gymnastics, that is how much they love performing.

Then after the performance was POPSICLES (and a hose down for Abby)!!!!!

We love this camp and can't wait for next year. The girls are already asking to go back tomorrow :)

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