Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Abby January artwork from school








Dumpster diver

Ashley's teacher was recycling a lot of old teacher sheets and books the other day. Ashley kept eyeing them in the recycle bin and finally got up the courage to ask her if she could have all her old teaching stuff so she could play school at home. Needless to say Ashley brought a HUGE stack home and it's provided hours of endless fun. My little dumpster diver- may nothing go to waste!!!!!


Monday, January 30, 2017

Anna's January art class project

And then she made this creative piece at home for us!



Sunday, January 29, 2017

Loves her art!



Abbys abcs

Look what Abby did with daddy when I was out of town


Yes, her ABCs!!!!!

And get this.... she is singing them too!!!!! A huge milestone we couldn't wait for her to do! Thanks handwriting without tears at Hilltop. LOVE that place!

Ashley January artwork from school



Royals fan fest

Thursday night we went to Royals Fan Fest and we are so excited for another season to start soon.

We love going to the Thursday night VIP night through daddy's work vendor since it is not at all crowded (and we get free food and drinks!) We met the W guy, saw the Ventura memorial (so sad), ate dippin dots, Ashley caught a free tshirt, saw both World Series trophies, Anna and daddy went down the coolest slide ever, saw pictures of our favorite players, saw Slugger and played lots of games. 

It was one cool night!











Key fobs

Ashley loves making key fobs and here she is with her newest designs. She will just sit down and do everything but getting started with the bobbin. She amazes me!



Anna's newest sewing venture





Mommy just got so much cooler!

Saturday night I became 10 times more awesome then I really am when I surprised the girls with all my old beading and necklace making supplies.

Needless to say they are in heaven and can't believe I made a lot of the jewelry they found in the bags. They definitely think I am amazing now!




Today we participated in a serve KC project benefiting meals on wheels participants. We got to do one of our favorite things to make people happy... craft!

We had so much fun making people valentines. We couldn't believe this was considered community service. Can not wait to do it again (the girls already want to sign up for next year!)



Anna's valentines


Ashley's valentines 


Abbys valentines


Mommyshop valentines

The inside of the red card above

We had a blast! I can't remember the last time I just sat and did 2 hours of nonstop crafting with my girls. 

Me play patty cake!

Lately Abby has been singing a lot of preschool spngs at home. And it's been so fun watching her sing and do the actions. She is a pretty bossy teacher but she sure does love teaching people party cake and all sorts of other fun songs.

We just LOVE watching her thrive this year at school.