Friday, August 29, 2014

BIG swim lesson this past week for Ash Ash

So three things happened this week (this was the first lesson after she had a complete meltdown with the deep end)

1. Ashley jumped into the pool without a bubble and swam to coach

2. Ashley swam the width of the pool ALL BY HERSELF! No bubble, no coach!

3. Ashley jumped into the deep, deep 13 foot end and swam across the entire deep end to coach who was waiting in the shallow end (half the length of the pool). I bet the deep end test is a month away..... she is totally ready :)

Way to go my little fish! We are so proud of how you bounced back :)


About 3 weeks ago Mommy and Daddy bought us bunk beds off of craigslist. They scored a great deal from someone's grandparents on a just like new bunk bed.

They rented a u-haul trailor, picked it up and within an hour of getting it home we were in it. Anna sleeps on the top (her choice) and Ashley the bottom.

We just LOVE our bunk beds!!!

Anna and Ashley

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Pictures from May 2014

Just came across these super cute pictures from May 2014 while cleaning/organizing the computer files.

I realized I never posted them.

The girls had gone on a daddy/daughter date to McDonald's for ice cream....

Our Frozen Camp Performance Billboard Program

Just came across this in my pile of @$#* by the computer. Look like I never posted our girls first appearance in a billboard program :) Watch out Broadway!!!! By the way they wrote their own BIO's! :)

Happy Birthday Cooper and Laney Jones

Two Saturday's ago we went to Cooper and Laney Jones birthday party! It was a joint rainbow coloring themed birthday party and the girls were so excited to go! They colored, ate tons of good food (chick-fil-a nuggets and a to die for cookie cake with vanilla ice cream), had fun with the pinata, had fun eating the pinata candy, watched them open gifts and loved playing all over the house. When it was time to go they did not want to leave because they hadn't even played in their official playroom yet there was so much fun in the basement and in the main room. So we invited ourselves back over to their house that next Tuesday :)

Happy Birthday Cooper and Laney. Thanks for inviting us. We had SO much fun and LOVED celebrating with you!

We've got a walker!!!

It is on this day, August 24, 2014 at 3:40, that Miss Abigail Stilley took her first steps (three to be exact!!!) to get a bite of the ripest Colorado peach in Kansas City. She then worked her way up to 8 steps which is what the video is of below :)

WAY TO GO ABBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was pretty darn proud :)

Swimming in the deep end!

This week it happened.... Ashley swam across the deep end all by herself.

She had been dreading it... I mean not wanting to go to swimming lessons the last 2 times fearful that Coach Angie would make her do it. Obvious she knew she was ready or she wouldn't have thought coach Angie would consider here swimming on her own in the deep, deep, 13 foot deep end.

But during the last 15 minutes of practice Coach Angie told Ashley to swim 12 feet from her to the ladder in the deep end. Ashley didn't move. She screamed. She cried. She bawled her eyes out. She even swallowed water in her attempt to breathe properly. But she did it. And did it great.

The first time she had to have coach swim right beside her and have me walk along the waters edge (while crying she was hysterically reaching for the side of the pool during her swim). The second time she did it all by herself with just a little bit of whine.

I was so proud of her.

When I asked her why she was so scared she told me the octopus tile mosaic picture on the wall in the deep end scared her (just like it had scared Anna). So during Anna's lesson we talked about the deep end, went and put our hand on the octopus and Ashley slowly bought into the fact that there was nothing to be scared of. After Anna's lesson Anna was a rockstar big sister in that she came up to Ashley and said, "I used to be scared of the deep end. Do you want to put on your bubble and swim in the deep end with me??? I like the deep end now!" Ashley accepted and they went from picture to picture and touched the ones they could so Ashley could get over her fear.

Now she tells me she likes the deep end! We will see Thursday when we go back :)

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Paradise Park

This past Wednesday I loaded up the car with my little ladies plus Henry and Frannie and headed to Paradise Park to try motherhood with 5 children 7 and under. And let me tell you; they made it feel like a walk in the park!!! I had never been to Paradise Park and now don't know why I waited so long to check it out.

I am not kidding these kids were amazing! It helped that all the big kids are back in school and there were maybe 5 other families there but still. We first played in the arcade where Anna was the proud winner of the jackpot 1000 tickets at a game (this is the second time she has won a jackpot of 1000 in an arcade before..... why haven't I taken her to Vegas?!?!?! She gladly split them evenly with the others). Then we headed to the foam factory which was a hit for all ages. Abby and Frannie loved playing, collecting and rolling on the balls and the older 3 loved running around and shooting things, making foam balls explode through the fountain and just having a ball! Then we headed to the Children's Interactive area where they played in the ballroom and climbing tunnel gym for some time. then we all ordered a yummy hot dog for lunch, played in the imaginary play room, water sensory area and art room. They even participated in the cooking class where they made a stop light cookie! Then we ended our 5 hours at the park with a little more arcade and cashing in our tickets and getting prizes. The kids were stoked and exhausted!!!!!

The battery on my good camera wore out and had to depend on my horrible camera phone. But hey, I got pics!

Anna kept saying, "Look guys. A mom, dad and their two kids!!!"

Time for a nap :)
