Wednesday, August 6, 2014

14 months old

A week late but happy 14 months Abby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's what she's been up to this past month

*She is an awesome sleeper; usually sleeps 12 hours every night. She is napping well- she is mostly down to one 1-2 hr nap a day. She usually goes to bed easily but lately we have had to pat her belly or tickle her hair once we put her in the crib for her to fall asleep.
*She is a good eater- loves meats- and is beginning to sign "more." She signs "eat" and when I tell her it's time to eat she beelines to her high chair :) She also signs "all done" by waving one hand back and forth wildly across the table.
*She understands commands; for example "Come here" and "Time to eat."
*She can stack 2-3 blocks
*She is starting to get into matching puzzles.
*LOVES putting stuff in and out of things; especially little stuff
*When I fill her sippy cup with milk she giggles so loud. When I say "baba" she also giggles and smiles HUGE
*She LOVES hugs and cuddles and is by far the biggest cuddler of all the girls
*She is drinking her milk from sippy cups- bottles are gone!
*She is very good at independent play; absolutely loves playing in the pantry with sippy cups
*She is completely capable of walking but still has no interest in standing on her feet unless she is holding onto furniture. She has started walking on her knees though :) She has also stood straight up from sitting down and will stand for a couple of seconds. She rarely does it but we can sometimes get her to walk while holding onto our hands
*She is a loud baby; her favorite noise is "uh" and she does it to everything while pointing to anything she wants at that time! She is a grunting machine and uses "uh oh" properly. When she makes noises, EVERYTHING sounds like a questions :)
*Loves climbing up and down the stairs and can do the entire staircase independently and very, very well
*LOVES blowing raspberries in the air
*Everyday she is getting more and more bold with her sisters and us. She definitely isn't going to be forgotten about; she definitely makes herself known :)

I love this little baby.

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