Friday, August 22, 2014

Poppy and Grammy's Boat and the Beach!

This past Saturday we spent the day at Grammy and Poppy's with ALL the Stilley cousins!!! It was so much fun.

We started the morning with family pictures and besides the fact that Abby tipped over in a chair (don't worry it happened in slow mo and she was fine) and the humidity level doubled by the minutes, they went well. After that we had lunch and headed out on the boat.

The kids loved the boat and were very eager to swim in the middle of the lake. After slowly climbing into the water they would have stayed in that lake the entire day if we left them. They especially loved swimming under the boat with Henry. Then after about an hour of that we headed to Lakewood beach via boat. Grammy and Poppy dropped us off near the beach and parked their boat at the next dock maybe 100 yards away. We swam at the beach and when it was time to head back to the house we all decided to swim back to the boat. I couldn't believe that all kids did such a great job- they just LOVE the water!!!!

After the boat ride the extended Stilley side (or those that could come) came to Grammy and Poppy's for a BBQ. It was nice to see everyone and the 12 second cousins had a blast. It was the first time they had all been together and play great; loud and wild but great!

We love spicy water!!!

The swimmers!!! (See the beach in the background? That is how far we all swam!)

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