Thursday, June 10, 2010

I gave birth to a mini Rob


Yes, we all know that she looks just like daddy, she is tall like daddy, she sticks out her tongue like daddy while concentrating AND NOW SHE IS A MORNING BIRD JUST LIKE DADDY!!!!!!!!!!

4:30 am the last two days.... did you read that... 4:30 AM!!!

For those of you who didn't know me before Rob, I could easily sleep til noon on any given day. I could easily rack over 12 hours of sleep a night. I LOVE SLEEP!

Now you mix another early bird into my lifestyle and OMG what is a girl to do?

Any thoughts?

Much Love and soon to be raccoon eyes,

Well I guess she did get my eyes, stellar personality, dimple and the fact that she wrinkles up into a prune within minutes of being in water!


  1. 4:30 a.m.?!! OMG, I don't think that's from Rob! He may not have ever liked to sleep until noon but 4:30 has always been too early for him! That's terrible. What does she do if you put her back in bed? Can you keep her up later in the evening and will that do any good? Otherwise, I'm out of ideas.
    Love all the most recent photos, BTW!
    Love, Grammy

  2. Today it was 5:45. Actually they say that if you put them to bed EARLIER they sleep LATER. Weird, huh??? We are putting her down 30 minutes earlier tonight and see if that brings her past 6 am. Fingers crossed!
