Thursday, February 18, 2010

3 new Firsts for me!

Since the weather was nicer today, almost 50 degrees, I got bundled up and we went on a family walk. Since I am a big girl now and sitting up well, I got to ride in my stroller without the infant carrier and I LOVED it! I got to watch all the cars zoom by and watch Peanut walk in front of me..... I could sit and watch cars drive by for hours it was so neat! I even got to look at all the houses, parked cars, trees and so many other cool things on our street- I love being outside! When I was littler, I would only get to look at the sky or my rings hanging on my car seat- this is much more fun- I had a BLAST!

Then mommy and daddy surprised me with my first trip to the playground. We had so much fun! I went down my first slide with daddy and went on my first swing. I wish we could have stayed longer, but my nose was getting cold and I was getting hungry. I can't wait to go back!



  1. Love the last pic! What a great family shot.
    I take it the photographer (?) didn't do the high-pitched squeal to get Peanut to look at the camera ... Ha!

  2. Absoulutely agree, great family pic!! Love that Peanut was included! The only way the pic improves is to lose the Tigers hat :)

  3. Oh, how cute!! I especially like both family shots!
    Love, Grammy

  4. Thanks guys! Yep Ash.. we are working at "losing" the MU hat! Betsy- you are right on the no high pitch noise and there was no photographer to help us out- we had it on self timer... maybe I should download a screech sound to my camera... do they make those???
