Thursday, February 9, 2012

One year Well Check Up!

Today we went to see Dr. Austin for my one year well visit. Everything checked out great and Dr. Austin said I am a super healthy girl :)

Here are my numbers:

Height: 30 inches (75th %tile)
Weight: 18 pounds and 12 oz (15th %tile)
Head Circumference: 17 1/8 inches (15th %tile)

Mommy, Daddy and Dr Austin talked about so much and Dr. Austin was REALLY pleased to how I have been growing and how much I am doing (talking, walking, waving). They talked about the foods that I am eating and she really wants me to eat more vegetables (just like mommy and daddy do). She recommended trying tuna salad, chicken salad, peas again, broccoli (again) and even peanut butter. Yup, we got the ok for peanut butter! Apparently I am free to try pretty much any food that I want; COOL!!!! She didn't seem too concerned with my weight percentile (and the fact that I am a skinny little peanut) because I am practically running around all the time (not all one year olds that I am being compared to are running like I am) and that I have grown almost 2 pounds over 3 months. She was also very pleased to hear that I am still taking my poly-vi-sol vitamins.

Mommy and Daddy were most concerned about my dry diapers. Sometimes when I wake up I have a dry diaper (only to be wet within 15 minutes of being up) and I never "fill" a diaper with pee; it's pretty much just damp all the time. She says that may change when I switch over to cows milk tomorrow; I should be drinking 12-24 ounces a day.

I got two shots (one in each arm) and even though I screamed and cried while it was happening, it didn't take that long to stop crying. Mommy and Daddy say I am such a trooper when it comes to bouncing back after shots. And they aren't too excited; they have to take both Anna and I to get our blood work drawn for labs. I guess it's pretty painful for them to watch us get it done.

I was such a good girl!


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