Thursday, February 2, 2012

Going to Texas!

This past Tuesday us Stilley girls headed to Texas to visit the Fimmen cousins. We left the house around 7:30 in the morning to pickup GiGi (our co-pilot) and we were "officially" on the road by 8:30. 9 hours later, we arrived. If you would have asked GiGi and mommy how long they predicted the trip to take during the first hour of our trip, they would have responded that we'd be there sometime. Yup, that's how the first 2 hours went....

7:30 leave our house
7:45 stop 1; fill up gas (mommy always fills up the night before but completely forgot!)
8:10 stop 2; we get to GiGi's (Anna says she has to poop)
8:30 leave GiGi's (Anna did not poop)
9:10: Anna crying and screaming that she has to poop; stop 3. no poop but she did pee.
9:45: Anna crying and screaming that she has to poop; stop 4 on side of road. no poop. I actually was trying to have her poop in grass because she said she couldn't wait any longer.
10:05: stop 5; repeat 9:10 and 9:45
10:35: stop 6; Pull over to feed Ashley and Anna has to poop. no luck on poop but she did pee.
10:40: DVD player and IPAD kept Anna busy until we pull over for lunch at 12:00; stop 7.
And pretty much from there we stopped every hour and a half until we pulled into the cousins driveway at 5:20. Plus a couple quick stops to readjust Anna into her car seat strap and to find Ashley's pacifier.

It was SUCH a fun 10 hours; but SO worth it when we walked in to all the hugs and kisses and laughter of our cousins!

I'd be lying if I didn't say I was dreading the ride home :)

Much Love,
The Stilley girls

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