Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Big Sisters

Word's really can't describe how much these two love their little sister.
Anna is in baby heaven. She has asked more times then I can count to hold her and hug her. A week into having her home and she is still all about baby Abby. She did mention how she was surprised with how much babies sleep. She is so eager to play with her, love on her, sing to her, read to her, and cuddle with her. She is such a good and loving big sister.

As with Ashley, I'm not going to lie but I wasn't sure how Ashley would handle the baby. Honestly I was quite nervous. But she has surprised us all and is absolutely enamoured with being a big sister. She pretty much mocks how Anna is around her and is totally loving, caring, curious and into her little sister. She too like to cuddle her, hold her, read to her and sing to her. Ashley loves to make sure she always has her lovies with her.

Both girls melt my heart when baby Abby starts to cry. They each get on opposite sides of her and start singing "You are my sunshine." And it works. Abby usually stops crying and is fascinated by her big sisters.

As for the first week, I couldn't have asked for my 3 girls to get along much better. I know they are still in the honeymoon period but I will take the love as long as they want to give the love :)

Much Love,

When they saw me in bed they handled it really well. they knew mommy couldn't hold them and couldn't get out of bed and they really didn't question it. They had both seen pictures of when they were in the hospital and were familiar with what my IV looked like in my arm so when Anna saw it, it didn't even fathom her. As for Ashley she asked several times what it was and I just told her that mommy was ok.

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