Saturday, June 15, 2013


Last week it was the big girl bed; this week the potty. I mean come on!

This couldn't have come at a worst time.... I really was okay with Ashley being in diapers until she had to be potty trained for 3/4 preschool one and a half years away. I was actually secretly hoping that her Day Out teachers would magically train her in one Day Out session sometime this fall. I really was okay with changing two kids diapers all day... really I was and still am.....

So rewind to Tuesday night.....

Daddy, Anna and Ashley get on their swimsuits before dinner. Ashley is insisting on wearing just her swimsuit with no diaper (we were waiting to put on swim diaper until we got to the pool). So Rob tells her that if she needs to go pee pee to tell us and she can just use the potty (and then he goes into the bathroom to get the potty and places it right by her chair). Not even 5 minutes later she says real quietly, "Mommy, me go pee pee." I tell her to hold it and get to the potty. She does. And then it is hilarious!!!

She doesn't know how to go. So she calls Anna over to hold her hand (like we do with Anna when she poops) and then Anna starts telling her "just push it out of your bottom." It was hilarious watching Anna coach her through the potty. Around 10 minutes later of sitting and trying to figure out how to pee she jumps up all excited and looks in the potty to find no pee pee. Then she sits, jumps up and yells "I pee pee! I did it!" And sure enough there is maybe an ounce of pee in the potty. So we all cheer, do the potty dance and song and flush it down the potty. 2 minutes later, she's on the potty again to produce yet another ounce of pee. Repeat this scenario 4 times. Finally on about the 6th time saying she has to go pee pee (after 6 small successes) she sits down and her eyes light up. She jumps up and says "me do big pee pee!!!" We all burst into excitement, celebrate and flush it away. She is so excited and tells Anna she wants Jake and the Neverland Pirate panties. I look at Rob and "thank him" for bringing the potty out and think to myself that it is going to be a long week.

Needless to say, she has not successfully gone in the potty and I am not pushing it. She does take her diaper off right after she pees and says, "me go pee pee" and then runs to the potty to try. Once she did this with poop and quickly learned that only mommy takes off poopy diapers.....

So, Ashley is thinking more and more about the potty and I am not pushing it. She probably is ready to be trained but honestly I am not ready to take this task on. We will leave the potty's out and if she decides to figure it out on her own then that is great. Come Fall we may change our minds :)

Way to go Ashley! We are proud of you using the potty :)

Much Love,

"Thinking" about how to pee....
Coach Anna!

"I did it!!!"

 Ashley and her coach! Great job Ashley!

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