Friday, June 7, 2013

Doctor Visit 2

Today we took Abby to the pediatrician for her 9 day after birth visit and she did great!

She has put on 10 ounces in 6 days (the doctor says that is so impressive; usually they shoot for 1 ounce a day). So she is currently 8 pounds 12 ounces which puts her at the 90th %tile. You would think that she would look chunky being in the 90th %tile but she isn't.... just long and full. She measured 21 inches which also puts her in the 90th %tile for height. We have one big and long baby!!!! Her head measured 14 inches, which puts her in the 70th %tile. For our girls that is a big head; we are used to being in the 25th %tile or lower for head circumference.

Beyond the measurements the doctor commented on how strong she is with her neck and how great she was sleeping (she slept from 9 to 9 last night with one wake up at 4:15). She did remind me to feed tons during the day (like every 2 hours) since she is sleeping so much at night and "missing" a feeding. The doctor just doesn't want my milk supply to weaken. She said baby Abby looks great!!!

We go back in 2 months (which seems like a long time) but since she is our third they think we know what we are doing by now! Scary thought, huh?

Much Love,

PS one the way home we stopped at a doughnut store for national doughnut day. Apparently everyone in KC wanted a doughnut today because they closed early because they ran out. So instead the girls jumped on the neighbors trampoline when we got home!

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