Thursday, June 6, 2013

Powell Gardens

This morning we decided to head out as a family to Powell Gardens, which is about 45 minutes away from our house. They are having a summer lego sculpture exhibit and we thought the girls would like it. Like it, they loved it.

Grammy decided to meet us there so the girls were so surprised and excited to see their Grammy when we pulled up to the parking lot.

We walked around and saw most of the lego sculptures, played in the sand box, walked to the different gardens, walked over bridges, crawled around like puppy dogs, played on a pirate ship, played in the fountains, rode a trolley, had snacks all morning while riding in the stroller and just had some outside fun. We were there over 3 hours and had a blast! It was the perfect place to bring Abby since she can't go anywhere public for the first 6-7 weeks of life. Being outside and with room to run, even though this was public space it felt perfect to being a newborn to. I have a feeling the girls and I will be spending lots of time at the OP Arboretum this summer since it too will be a great place to bring Abby.

Our favorite lego creations were of course "Belle's" Red Rose, the butterfly and the red fox chasing the bunny.

Much Love,

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