Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Abby's BIRTH-day

On Wednesday morning, May 29 (our due date according to the doctor), we went into the hospital at 6 am to be induced. We didn't think this pregnancy would last to the point of induction but it was really nice. The night before we got the girls to Rob's parents with no problems, we went out to eat, picked up the house, went to bed early and were able to be as prepared for the delivery as possible (which we both like). We also got to request the same nurse, Marilyn, who delivered Anna and we loved.

Do I look ready or what?!?!

We got to the hospital at 6 am. I was 3-4cm dialated and 90% thinned so a great starting place for delivery. I was also experiencing contractions on my own when they hooked me up to the monitor. They started a slow drip of pitocin to get my contractions consistent at around 6:15. My doctor came to see me shortly after 8 and said I would be able to get the epidural whenever I wanted it (I was dialated to a 4). Thinking I could wait since the pain wasn't bad I told her that just breaking my water would be fine for now. Ummmm literally seconds after she broke my water I was in complete contraction pain and ordered the epidural ASAP! It wouldn't have surprised me if I doubled in my dialation by the feel of the contractions. By 8:45ish I had the epidural and was feeling pretty good, we did have to strengthen the dose since I could feel too much. Then at 9:20ish I felt the most odd feeling and paged the nurse. She came in an checked me, looked at me and said, "Let's have a baby!!!!" Yup, I was 10 cm dialated and she was ready!!

Rob took a last minute pee break, the nurses scrambled to get my room ready for delivery, they ran to page my doctor and I was left alone for 30 seconds. I was sure Abby was going to be delivered right there all alone. But sure enough I held out and at 9:45 we were ready to push. After 2 sets of 3 pushes and after spitting in the OB's face (oops- don't worry I stopped pushing to apologize!) I did one more push and Abby was born at 9:51 am. They wiped her off and put her straight in my arms (which is different then what they did with the other deliveries) and I started to cry. My baby girl was healthy, beautiful, and most excitedly out of my belly and in my arms!!!When I looked at her for the first time it was like looking at Anna when she was a baby; they resembled each other so much. Looking at Abby she had such little features, a small head, small lips and ears, a pouty mouth, long toes, long fingernail beds, brown hair with shiny blonde tints, bright red skin, eyes open and looking right at me (pretty alert for a 5 minute old!), and a "full" looking body (no saggy baggy skin). Then after about 5 minutes they ran her vitals, cleaned her up and found out that she was perfect. Daddy got to hold her while they cleaned up mommy (I did tear a little bit so I had to have stitches). She weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces (which is huge for our girls), measured 19 3/4 inches long and her head had a circumference of 13 1/2 inches. Pure Perfection.

It was a wonderful morning. We loved having her so early in the morning because everything was completed by noon; even her bath. We got a whole afternoon to relax, hold her, be with family and just enjoy. At about 1 pm the nurse had me walk on my own to my recovery room; I could not believe I was walking so soon. It was a slow and steady walk but I made it :)

It was a great BIRTH day!

Much Love,

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