Monday, December 15, 2014


We have had 3 of these.... seriously. 3 of them.
The first one broke within a day of using it so I exchanged it. The second one broke since Anna put it in a bag and it was thrown on the ground or stepped on in the car. We don't really know how that one broke. I don't want to relive those 15 minutes. There was a lot of crying, lecturing, crying, frustration and just plain not fun going on. And I wasn't going to exchange it. If Anna wanted a new one, she'd have to do the talking with Target.

So we headed back to target with receipt and broken flutterbye in hand. Anna walks up to the customer service lady and very loudly and clearly says, "I just got this and it broke. May I get a new one please?" The girl behind the counter looked at her, took the receipt and said sure. Anna looked at me with the biggest smile (she later told me she was nervous the worker would tell her no) and we headed back to the toy section to pick out the 3rd and final, yes final flutterbye.

And you wouldn't believe which one they had. The one she always wanted; the rainbow one with glowing wings.

I had Anna swear on this flutterbye that she would take great care of it and that she promises not to leave it in a place where Abby can get it, not to put it in a bag and to properly store it. So far, so good. We are almost 5 days into owning it and it is still not broken. Wish us well....

All and all in this experience (as frustrated as I was with the lack of care that my children store and play with their toys) I was proud of Anna for being assertive at Target. That is one thing I never was good at until I turned 30 :) And I still am not good at it now! Now we just have to keep working at taking care of our things just a little better :)

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