Monday, May 21, 2012


This past Saturday we took Ashley into Emergent Care for a high fever (102ish) and a rash all over her swollen legs and fingers. Turns out it was just a virus, but it sure was scary.

She had been around saw dust that morning and about an hour after she would have been around the saw dust was when we saw the rash and swollen feet. That got us thinking that maybe it was an allergy. The pediatrician at the emergent care facility was pretty sure it was a virus that she picked up from another kid but the girls haven't been around any sick kids lately so that got me wondering if maybe she just caught germs from somewhere. And then yesterday I got to thinking that it had been 10 days since she had received her 15 month vaccinations; one of which has common side effects as to what she was experiencing. But after a phone call to our pediatrician today that has been ruled out. She hadn't gotten any new (to her) vaccinations at her last visit and the ones she got would have had side effects occurring 24-72 hours after.

So who knows how she got it; the important thing is that she has been one happy girl today and that it didn't take much medicine (or another doctor visit) to get her feeling back to normal :) I am just so glad it was nothing worse; I can only handle cranky/whiny kids for so long :) And honestly, I just don't like germs and not knowing where they came from!

Much Love,

PS Today Kate went home with a 102 degree fever.... I feel bad that she probably caught what Ashley had and hope that she gets better just as fast as Ashley did! I just hate dealing with sick.

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