Wednesday, May 9, 2012

15 month well visit

Today we went to Ashley's 15 month well visit and here are her numbers

Height: 31 1/2 inches (75th %tile)
Weight: 21 lbs and 1 oz (20 %tile)
Head Circumference: 18 inches (40th %tile)

Looks like we have another string bean on our hands! Dr. Austin said she is not at all concerned with Ashley's low weight percentile because she looks great and healthy. She was impressed with Ashley's vocab, her strength, her babbling, the amount of her thick hair she has and how she handles her temper tantrums (more on that in her 15 month post coming soon). Everything checked out great and once again another awesome visit with Dr. Austin.

Ashley got two vaccinations during this visit and once again she impressed us with her composure. She has always cried when she sees the shots and right when she gets them but within seconds of them being done, and cuddling with Daddy, she is smiling and laughing again. Her recovery time is amazing; she is one tough and resilient little lady.

We brought up the fact that Ashley has had a hard time weaning from the bottle (SO my fault) and Dr. Austin isn't worried about that. She is advising us to keep going cold turkey from the bottle and offer her milk all the time in the sippy cup (like we have been). She says eventually she will give up and drink the milk. She told us not to worry if she goes days without drinking milk and if we are worried about her getting her nutrients and calories, she will and can make up for it with her solid foods and other dairy. That was a relief to hear since I blame myself for totally missing the window of opportunity of weaning around the year mark. With our trip to Italy and us moving around, I was too hesitant to take the bottle away until now. I guess this is a very little mistake on my part and I could have messed up much worse :)

We also got the a-ok to turn Ashley's car seat around to forward facing for our trip to Tennessee in a couple of weeks. Since Ashley has long legs they do get so squished in a rear facing seat. She's going to love it!

And a sad note, Dr Austin is moving in June. She is moving to be with her husband in Springfield, MO. When we found out a lump appeared in my throat and I could barely shake away my tears. I absolutely LOVE Dr. Austin. Everything about her. She made Rob and I feel like such good parents; she made our girls feel good and she made us feel so good and calm about our concerns for our girls. I was so looking forward to my children really liking their doctor and I knew Dr. Austin was the perfect fit for the job. And both Rob and I LOVE her. It is so sad. So the search for a new Dr. Austin begins and those are VERY HARD SHOES TO FILL.

Much Love,

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