Thursday, April 18, 2013

Ready for Baby?!?!

Well we are getting there. Slowly but surely this house is almost ready for Baby girl to make her appearance! We still have a little under 6 weeks but this momma is nearing exhaustion. We have washed all her clothes in the baby laundry detergent, sterilized bottles and pump accessories, arranged her space in our bedroom, gotten out her toys, bouncer, play gym, arranged her closet and mostly are packed for the hospital. I have been busy cooking and can happily say I have 18 days of freezer food prepared and ready. I still hope to double recipes as I make them these last few weeks and add them to the stash. Tonight we plan on hanging a couple of items on our walls (since everything was taken down to paint) and start in updating all my baby books and memory keeping stuff. Oh and I hope to deep clean the first floor one more time before baby comes (I did the second floor yesterday!) Nothing to it, right?!?!

The girls have purchased her lovies and the only thing they need to purchase are Big Sis t-shirts for their hospital visit and pack for their time away from home when we are at the hospital. They are getting excited for their baby sister to get here :)

Much Love,

These pictures just touch on how much fun they have had helping prepare for little sister!

PS The names are currently down to 3 (unless we think of others). We are liking Elizabeth (Rob likes Beth, I like Libby and Lizzie), Emma and Abigal (Abby).

1 comment:

  1. I'm partial to Elizabeth :)
    Tell Rob I'd go for Libby or Lizzie over Beth any day!
