Wednesday, April 24, 2013

35 weeks

Here's how I look....

On Monday I got a burst of energy that is still with me tonight.... which means one thing. EXTREME nesting! This little burst of energy helps me get through the days a little better but I am still exhausted by dinner. I am waddling, it is hard to sit down, my back aches, I am sleeping horribly, bowel movements still hurt, I am having very frequent Braxton Hicks contractions, the babys kicks grow harder by the day (and she kicks all the time) and I feel about 2 weeks further along then I really am. Luckily, just about everything that needs to be done is done and I can really focus on taking it easy for a while.

We went in for my strep B test and first internal check and here's the doctor's report. I am around 50% thinned, 1 1/2 cm dialated, measuring a week later (around 36 weeks), the baby is at a -2 (when she is engaged she is at a 0 and when she is coming out she is at a 5), and she felt the baby's head bounce while checking me which means she is not engaged but she is low. She said that where I am is perfectly normal for a third pregnancy and that I really shouldn't be worried. If it was my first then she would be normal and probably tell me to lay it low. So, not going to lie, I am a little worried because it feels so real.... I just want to make it to at least 37 weeks to bypass anytime in the NICU and will lay it lower then I have been. In the last 4 hours since the check up I have had very frequent braxton hicks contractions, cramping and some spotting which the doctor said would be perfectly normal due to the internal. But still... kind of freaks me out to see spotting and the cramping. Even though I went 4 weeks dialated at a 2 with Anna, it will still worry me until I get full term.

So fingers crossed that baby girl stays inside me for at least another 2 weeks!!

Much Love,

PS Today Anna picked a prayer stick at dinner (more on that later) and the prayer stick had the name Baby on it. She was super excited to pray for baby and it went something like this....

Dear God. Thank you for Baby. In Mommy's Belly. She still in mommy's belly but when she gets out she will be loved. Her family will hug her. I love her very much. Amen.

And once again, one of Anna's prayer brought tears to my eyes.

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