Saturday, April 6, 2013

First Day at the Farm!

Yesterday we headed to Deanna Rose Farmstead with Grammy for our first time this season. And we had a blast. The girls are at the age where activities like this can be so much fun!!! Anna couldn't contain her excitement as we entered the farm and walked around. Every 20 steps or so she would stop and break out into her "happy dance." I had never seen this dance before but it was just awesome. I hope to get a video up soon that I took of this dance. And after a while Ashley started doing the happy dance too. It was precious.

While at the farm we went and saw the baby cows, baby goats, watched the mommy cow get milked, fed the baby goats milk bottles (who by the way are named after Disney characters), fed the ducks, fed the big goats, went down the HUGE red barn slide all by ourselves without mommy, played in the garden, fed the fish, walked around and you won't believe what else we did. Anna rode a pony for the first time!!!! She was talking and talking the first 15 minutes about how excited she was to ride the pony. I had zero expectations of her and totally thought she'd freeze up when it was her turn but she proved me wrong. Smiling ear to ear, she rode that pony so proudly. Ashley was pretty bummed that she didn't get to ride the pony, but we promised her next year she could when she was 3 since that is the rule.

We had a blast as just as normal it was near impossible for me to get these two out of the farm. They love it!

Anna's first pony ride

Ashley was not a big fan of the baby goats and fed them from standing outside the gate. Anna on the other hand was hugging, kissing and all up in their faces during the bottle feedings.

Anna with Belle the goat. She also found Jasmine, Snow White and Rapunzel. She insisted on only feeding the princesses so when the Genie came up to her she took her bottle and ran back to Belle!

I was quite impressed by Ashley. This is a big high slide for such a little 2 year old. But she loved it!

And of course someone INSISTED that she pull the wagon!!!!!

And believe it or not, they were asking ME to take the pictures this time!!!!!!

Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. Anna on the pony is priceless! Can't wait to go to Deanna Rose next time we are home, it's my fave too!!!
