Thursday, April 11, 2013

3 and a half!!

So this is 2 weeks overdue!

Happy 3 1/2 years old to my Anna Bananapants! I can't believe you are closer to being 4 then 3! Grama needs to squish you down :)

You are quite an awesome little kid. You are growing up day to day and love to learn. You love to read books, watch anything on the TV, dance to music, color, cut with scissors, use stickers and tape, dress up like Belle, sing songs (mostly Belle and Snow White ones), play with your church friends, school friends and cousins, play outside, swing on the swings, pretend to be Belle from Beauty and the Beast, change into multiple outfits in one day, cooking with mommy and play with all your toys. You are really good at imaginative play with dolls and I love watching you and Ashley play together. You are an amazing big sister and you will be quite the helper when your new baby sister comes. Lately you have been choosing to ignore mommy when mommy asks you questions and asks you to go potty. This is not my favorite trait but I know you have to go through it to become more independent. I just wish it would pass by fast! You love sleeping in your big girl bed and sleep around 12 hours a night without wake ups. You are napping about 2 times a week for 2 hours or more at a time. When you don't nap you still do quiet time and go to bed around 6:45 pm. You are making it through the night without potty accidents or having to go potty. You still love baba cuddles with a full bottle in the morning and before nap. You are becoming such a good eater and you try anything that mommy makes. You are working so hard with your speech teacher Mrs Lisa and mommy can tell how much you are improving. We still have a ways to go on fluency but you are rocking at saying individual words. You like doing your weekly homework and I am so proud of you. Mrs. Lisa always tells you Bravo because she is also so proud of you with your homework and how far you have come in 6 months. You are such a goofy and fun kid but you can also be very serious, and I mean very serious! Your teachers today told me that you are such a good rule follower and that you always listen to them. They also said that it is usually you that is reminding them of the rules and routine of the day. You do crave routine! I love the little monkey you have become.

You make me laugh daily, no hourly. The other day you said you were making lightning and showed me how to do it by blinking your eyes.You also say the cutest things. The questions you come up with make me smile and I hope you never stop asking them. Today you told me that your foot had a wedgie and we laughed about that for a long long time. I love you so much!


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