Sunday, April 21, 2013

Hands Aren't For Hitting

Or should we re-title it to be "Hands Aren't For Swatting?"

We have a swatter on our hands; Ashley. It has increasing gotten worse over the last 6 months or so and is now at the point where we are huffing, puffing and swatting at anything frustrating, including complete strangers, family, friends and people who are trying to help her. (She is literally like the big bad wolf... I'll huff, puff and then swat at you!")

So we are on Project Swatting Damage Control. With reading this book multiple times a day (she actually requests it), talking with Ashley about being nice, and resorting to putting Ashley in time out anytime she swats we are making some progress. Yes she has been in timeout 10 times in one morning but the consistency in those three things actually bought us a whole "swat-free" Sunday. AND IT WAS SO NICE. (Fingers crossed, could be a hard Monday!)

Ashley is a smart one and knows that she isn't supposed to swat. Even when she doesn't swat, she will sometimes look at us and say "Swatting not nice. Timeout." Just checking for understanding I guess but it makes it a little easier to reason with her when she is in time out. Since she is so fluent with her speech it is so frustrating that she has the words to say something instead of her huff puff and swat.

It is such an ugly phase and embarrassing when it happens at playgroup to nice mom's who are just trying to help. All I can do is look at them and say, "she's 2.... we're working on that!" Those with kids older then s Ashley understand; those with younger ones don't (but soon will- hahahaha!)

So wish us luck on Mission Hands Aren't For Swatting! We still need it with Ashley.

Much Love,

PS When we picked up Ashley from the church nursery today, Rob took her into the hallway while I "quietly" asked the teachers if she had swatted at them or others sin the class at all. They said they had not seen that behavior from her (thank God). When I walked into the hallway, Ashley looked at me, smiled and said "Ashley swats." That little bugger had heard me.

PSS We are still on "Mission No Hands in Mouth" with Anna. Wish us luck there too!

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