Monday, July 9, 2012

Doodie in Pool

Yup. This past week it was my kid.

"Mommy I need to pooooo....."

Bubbles in baby pool and a nice cloud of brown. Diahrea. Yup. Sweet. Every parent's DREAM! Why couldn't it be a solid tootsie roll doodie like in Caddy Shack with the Snickers bar? All my luck, I get #3.

So, being the only ones in the pool area, I get the kids out asap and try to remain as calm as possible. We run to the bathroom and clean Anna up. In my head I am thinking what do I do? There is no sign that says pool closed due to poop. And in the back of my mind I remember something about how most bacteria is killed by the chlorine in the first hour, but I do know that some strand of something could last longer if not treated. So I have to find someone in charge.

We literally run home and the entire time Anna is asking, "Mommy, why you sad? You mad?" And the entire time I am trying to tell her I am neither; just serious. But she doesn't know what that is.

We run into the house, grab a sharpie and a piece of paper and write "Baby pool closed. Sorry." Then we RUN back literally praying that no one is in the baby pool. I could just picture in my mind a pool full of babies playing and putting their heads under water. So I run faster. And faster. Luckily no one has shown up at the pool. Safe!

So I make a gate with chairs guarding the steps into the baby pool and put them on the sign. My work is done.

So we head home and I am now answering questions, "Mommy, why is the pool closed? Me poop? Me poop in baby pool so closed? Mommy, you seri (serious?)"

It never felt so good to get back home.

It turns out that both pools had to be treated for 48 hours and then it was reopened on Saturday. Yes, we were THOSE neighbors. But at least I did the right thing and reported it. I just hope others do the same when it happens to them. Embarrassing MUCH but it had to be done.

We haven't been back since (we have been super busy) and when we do I am sure Anna will talk all about how she pooped in the baby pool :) Fingers crossed no one understands her!!!

Much Love,

PS I blame it on my parents cucumbers. We have been eating those like they are water!!!! :)


  1. oh my gosh, i am laughing out loud! this is classic :)

  2. oh Ash. I was THAT mom..... I mean there is no way to describe the HORROR. complete HORROR that I was going to walk up and see some baby drinking the doodie pool water.... OH!
