Thursday, July 12, 2012

17 months

Happy 17 months old Ashley!

*I am still sleeping like a champ! I go to bed a little after 7 and have been waking a little before 7. The blackout curtains mommy hung in my room helps me sleep in better then when we first moved in. I am napping around 12:30 and sleeping 2-2 1/2 hours. I love sleeping with my bear blankey, tons of pacifiers, paci with a strap and elephant paci. I also have grown pretty attached to a blanket. When I wake up I"m ALWAYS calling for Dada.
*I am eating well. I love to eat. My new favorites of the month are dried cherries, pistachios, corn on the cob and peaches.
*My favorite song is "Moes like Jaggar" and "Akunamatata" from the Lion King. When I sing it, I say "tata!"
*I love to dance
*I love to hop like a frog in and out of water
*I am not a huge fan of bath time but I LOVE the pool and my water table
*I love shoes. I try to put on everyone's shoes, especially Anna's.
*I love playing with purses and jewelry. I love unzipping purses and putting on as much jewelry as possible. I also love stuffing as much stuff as possible into my purse and carrying it on my shoulder.
*I am in a hitting stage where I like to hit Anna when frustrated, when she takes something from me, or for no reason at all. Mommy and Daddy have started time outs with me. I don't like those. When mommy tells me to be nice to something, I give it a hug immediately.
*Mommy still LOVES my bear hugs and huge kisses that I give her out of the blue lasting minutes sometimes!
*My favorite word in "Anna" and everything I have been saying the last couple of months is becoming more clear.
*I am stubborn, very stubborn, and gives the looks to prove it. I don't like it when things don't go my way and I'm not afraid to make a scene. I have the pout down.
*I LOVE baby dolls and playing anything with babies. I say "bebe" for baby and love to hug them, feed them, pat them, shush them, walk them, dance with them, etc.
*When Anna does something to me that is not nice I run and tell mommy about it. I point where she hurt me or point to what she took and mommy takes care of the rest. If I fall and hurt myself I make sure mommy know exactly where to kiss it.
*I am one happy girl who is usually smiling and dancing to the beat of my own drum. :)

With the help of Anna playing peek-a-boo from behind me, we got some pretty good and cute 17 month pictures! Check them out.


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