Sunday, July 1, 2012

33 months old

Happy 33 months old Anna Banana! A week late- oops! The picture was taken... blog post forgotten.... it happens :)

Most of the past month has been consumed by the move and you did just awesome! Such a good girl while mommy and daddy packed, unpacked and cleaned. We love you so much and love seeing how much you love your new house.

This is pretty short for this month because so much has happened and mommy didn't do a good job at keeping track of everything!

*I love when we ask you what your whole name is. You with say Anna Banana Stilley, Anna Banana Colleen Stilley, or Anna Colleen Stilley.
*You are talking so much. Easily saying 6-8 word sentences and multiple sentences at a time. You understand tons and are able to ask questions about things I never knew you knew. You amaze me with what you know, think and want to know. I love your curiosity and wonder.
*You are a good big sister. Lately it has been hard to share all your toys that have been packed up for 3 months now with your sister but you are getting better at that. You are not afraid to speak your mind but it often gets you in trouble since you are still trying to figure out the right ways to express anger/frustration.
*You have not been the best napper this month. Please give me more naps. I don't like it when you tell me, "Me, no nap!" It makes for a not so fun early evening and an early bedtime.
*I love morning baba cuddles with you, afternoon book readings in mommy's bed, baba cuddles before nap and bedtime, your squeeze my tooter out hugs and wet kisses and when you sing to me.
*You are quite the dancer. You have some great rythm and moves (must be from daddy :)) You crack me up whtn you dance to your favorite song, "Moves like Jaggard" and "Baby-O" You also love to slow dance and curtsey to "Beauty and the Beast."
*Still love your bunny and it's spot.
*You are getting better at wearing hair clips and head bands but we still have to work on wearing them all the time.
*I love watching you take care of your babies and how you sometimes play mommy to me. You are quite the awesome mommy!
*For the last couple of months you have been saying "My belly hurts." This usually means you have to go potty, you're hungry, you want attention or you're tired.
*I love when you tell me, "I'm so happy to see you!"
*You have always woken up calling for us. You don't need any time to wake up on your own, when you are up, you're UP!

Much Love,

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