Thursday, November 20, 2014

Anna's Very Belated Halloween Party

A week and a half ago we FINALLY had Anna's Halloween Party. It was originally scheduled for the Tuesday before Halloween but had to be cancelled due to Abby getting hand, foot and mouth. Anna handled the canceling of the party well but was pretty bummed. So I offered to have either an after Halloween party or a Thanksgiving party with her 6 friends from preschool. She chose Halloween (duh?!)

So we went pinterest happy and had so much fun planning the party together. Anna decided that for food we would serve monster doughnuts, mummy hot dogs, halloween mac and cheese, carrots, orange cups with jack-o-lantern faces and the cheeto bag of bones. The food was not just adorable but it was a hit!!!! Luckily the girls had gymnastics an hour before the party started and I friend graciously helped out by bringing them home after class. That and the fact that Abby fell asleep in the car (and was moved to her crib successfully), gave me more then enough time to have the party food done and ready. Anna was so excited to come into the door and see the finished products. Probably WAY TO excited compared to other kids who don't care about that thing, but my Anna cares. Like her mama, we kind of go all out :)

Anna had planned Halloween Bingo, Fashion Show, Dance Party and play time. All the girls LOVED Bingo and the fact that when they got a Bingo they won a Barbie Halloween Doll (Thanks Target after Halloween 90% off clearance rack!). They had fun with the fashion show and dance party. But most of all they just wanted to play with all of Anna's toys!

It was great for Anna to host a group of kids. She was so excited to have all her friend over; many for the first time. She had so much fun and learned a lot.There was an incident that hurt Anna's feelings in that 2 girls didn't want to do the fashion show/dance party so they sat and watched instead. Anna didn't understand why these girls didn't think it was fun, because "it IS fun mommy." And she also didn't understand why the party didn't run exacty as planned (we never got to the coloring activity, I never bought the dry ice and some of the girls wanted real light bulbs in the basement). She didn't get outwardly upset but I knew these things were bothering her and when asked later she admitted to being upset. Oh how it's so hard to grow up; especially as a type A thinker/observer that Anna is. I am secretly glad I don't have to go through life learning all these little things about ourselves and friendship but something tells me learning to be a Mommy to a daughter going through these things will be even harder. But don't worry Anna; you have one loving Mommy who will try my darndest to help you through anything :)

 Everyone eating!
 Dance Party/Fashion show in basement :)

 All the Elsa's
 Ashley had an absolute blast!!! Anna and her friends are so good to this little sister :)
 How many girls can we fit into the playroom? Easily their favorite spot.

 Easily their second favotite spot :)
 She was right in the middle of it all; doing her own thing :)

 Monster Teeth!

Two Thumbs up for an awesome party!!!
 Afterwards we just wanted to make a fort to play in and recoup from the party :) So we did.

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