Monday, November 10, 2014

17 months old

Happy 17 months old- almost 1 1/2 :) EEk! Where does time go?!?!

Here's what's new this past month

*Officially LOVES to walk! Barely on knees anymore and she is loving the freedom this is giving her when we are out of the house; especially outside
*Officially LOVES book. Will point to books and say "booq" and then pat on a chair for you to sit in a read to her. Her favorite books are Halloween books (especially Five Little Pumpkins), My Daddy and I, Goodnight Gorilla and Personal Penguin. She also LOVES lift a flap books/
*When she wants something she will yell, "Me me me! Me me!"
*Most of the time she is grunting and groaning but she has added a couple more words to her vocabulary and some new animal sounds. She loves the puppy dog, duck and monkey noises :) Don't try to get her to say words or make sounds; it's pointless. She will not perform. Even for me :) She does do a couple of signs (more, milk, all done and eat) but I have been mostly too lazy/busy to enforce/use :)
*LOVES to play chase and giggles so hard when you say, "I'm gonna get you!" and chase from behind
*Sleeping great. Usually down around 6:45/7 and awake at 7/8. She is taking one afternoon nap that normally lasts 1 hours or so. She prefers sleeping in her crib but she can be easily transitioned from car seat to crib, car seat to stroller or stroller to crib. She sleeps on the go several times a week :(
*Is a HUGE Mommy's girl. She does get super excited to see Daddy when he walks through the door after work but she mostly prefers me to do everything for her.
*Not a huge fan of milk. Usually drinks a sippy cup worth a day. She loves the eat yogurt and cheese daily so I hope that makes up for her lack of calcium.
*Wants to eat out of a bowl, with a spoon and exactly like her sisters. During hand, foot and mouth she didn't like to sit and eat so she ate in the kitchen helped. We have kind of developed a bad habit of standing in the kitchen helper to eat.
*She sleeps with her pillow, bird blanket and blanket and some baby dolls. She really doesn't have a lovey like the other two did. She just loves ALL baby dolls :)
*When she pees or poops she pulls at her diaper and says "uh???" asking for a new one.
*She LOVES bath time. She also LOVES washing her hands with soap and water.
*She likes to drink out of water bottles with a straw.
*Is a pretty easy going eater but doesn't like many veggies.
*She loves to play with her blocks, legos, kitchen food and kitchen, babies, strollers, unzipping ziploc bags and dumping puzzles out and anything sisters are playing with. She loves singing "lalala" from princesses :)

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