Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Ashley's First Trip to the Dentist

Today we went to the dentist with Ashley. She had hurt her tooth sometime after her second birthday and it had turned a little purple in a small area and is now grey. Just recently she started complaining that her teeth hurt and she has been eating with her side teeth instead of her front (where the hurt tooth it).

So here we are in the waiting room.... All smiles. I may have bribed her with fruit snacks!!! Could I have picked any better of a dentist waiting room snack?!?! She had no clue where we were going. She was just excited to be with mommy.
We got called back to get an x ray on the tooth since our pediatrician wanted to make sure no damage had been done to the adult tooth. Well, have you ever tried to get an x-ray of a 2 year old's tooth? Not fun. They take them the same way they take adult x rays. We literally had to try and pry her mouth open since she wasn't too fond of the lady wearing the mask trying to put something in her mouth. Finally bribery with a lollipop and the promise of a blue balloon did the trick and she let me pry her mouth open with my hands.

After the x ray we sat in the exam room waiting to be seen by the doctor. Of course she feel in love with the huge puppy dog with teeth! And yes... that is a lollipop she is holding. I had to bring some bribery so she would cooperate! On the way out a lady who was checking out her teenage son said, "Oh my. A lollipop after the dentist?" I gave her the stare down and imagined myself punching her.... has it really been that long since her son was 2? :) Give me a break lady!

Anyway, during her exam the doctor wanted to look at her tooth. Ashley wasn't having it and refused to lay down on the chair so she laid on top of me laying on the chair. The dentist feared lollipop in the hair (I could care less) so she had me sit up with her on my lap. Then she asked Ashley if she could look in her mouth. She resisted. So the dentist looked at my teeth instead. Once Ashley saw that mommy was fine, she gladly opened her mouth like a champ and even let the dentist stick a mirror in her mouth. Then we talked about the x-ray.

 Here's the x-ray....

Well, good and bad news.

Bad news first
Just in case you don't know what you are looking at, the bottom right tooth has a grey/black circle. Yep, that's a hole in her tooth. Apparently when she fell/hit her tooth she aggravated a nerve. Apparently that nerve ate it's way through the back of the tooth (who would have thought?!?!) and has formed a hole. (No wonder why she's been saying her tooth hurts and has to eat on the sides of her mouth). The dentist said that since the nerve can form an abscess (or something like that) and led to infection that she recommends removing the tooth. Plus the tooth is a little loose. She then went on to refer me to a pediatric dentist (this was a family dentist) to schedule the removal and to get further information on the process. Oh and we better alert the tooth fairy; looks like she will be visiting our house soon!
Good news
No permanent damage has been done to the adult tooth so she won't be toothless forever!

A happy little camper.She even waved bye the the dental hygienist and dentist! WOW.
First thing she said when she got the balloon was "Abby and Anna will want to touch my balloon. They will like it too."
A good first experience at the dentist (and Anna can't wait to go to get a purple balloon!).... we will see how the next one goes. Wish us luck on this little adventure.

Much Love,

PS. We are going to miss that tooth. (Looking at her it's the front middle top left)

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