Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Last Day of Day Out

Surrounded by her very best friend and teachers Anna's last day of day out was spent outside. When I dropped her off she was talking about how excited she was to play with her friends and teachers. She also said her teachers are just so proud of her. Literally the entire day was spent outside playing. Picnics, Popsicles (apparently she showed everyone how she wore a Popsicle outfit just to eat Popsicles in!), ice cream sandwiches, bubbles, water, sandbox, outside all day (Anna counted that they went outside 14 times), beautiful weather, games, playground... life can't get much better then this :) When I picked her up she said it was the best preschool day ever!

We have had more then an amazing experience this year at Day Out. Wednesday's during the summer will be quite boring compared to today. We just LOVED these teachers! I found out today that one will not be back next year and it is so sad. I was looking forward to Ashley having her. She is a single mom and needs a higher paying job with more hours to keep up with all her expenses. It is so sad to see someone not able to do what they love because the job doesn't pay enough. Breaks my heart.

I had Anna's teacher's write her a note in a book that will be given to her at high school graduation and this is what they had to say about her:

"Anna is a wonderful child to have in class- she is so very bright, inquisitive, LOVES art and very verbal. She is a joy to be around and is kind to her classmates and teachers. I can only imagine the wonderful young lady she will become." Mrs. Schorgl

"Anna, you have been such a JOY to have in class. You have the cutest smile, the sweetest laugh and you are SO smart!! I know you are going to do great things in your future." Miss Wozniak

What a great year! Now how will we fill our Wednesdays???

Much Love and hope for an even better year next year,

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