Wednesday, May 15, 2013

27 months old

Happy 27 months!!

*She is still sleeping great. Still taking a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon and sleeping from 8 to at least 6:15 in the morning without any wake ups.
*She still loves to cuddle in the mornings and after naps.
*She is becoming more and more of a good eater. Just your typical picky toddler with eating. Loves ham, cheese, yogurt, anything that is salty, avocado, hummus, cucumber, carrots, any fruit, juice, milk and cookies.
*Loves to say "see you soon baboon" when saying bye and goodnight.
*Her vocabulary is constantly increasing and the things she says cracks me up. She will tell me to "calm down mommy" and other phrases I use with her, Anna and Peanut. She literally doesn't miss a thing. She can string along a 8 word sentence with ease. She is using me and you in context.
*She can sing her ABC's and can identify around half of them. She loves to count and is counting to 12 and then keeps counting with all the mixed up high numbers.
*Her front tooth has had a purple spot on it for a couple months now and I thought it was clearing up. Makes me kind of nervous but since it's her baby teeth I figure there should be no permanent damage, right?
*Getting better at the no swatting at other's. No we are working on her saying "shoo blackbirdie" to things she doesn't like.
*She thinks it so funny to call mommy "Jenny."
*She loves to dance. She often can be found dancing while singing or humming a song. She has even been heard making up her own songs.
*Still sleeps with blankey, bear, paci's, lambie and jake and the neverland pirates doll.
*She still loves Snow White, Jake and the Neverland Pirates and has just gotten into Littlest Pet Shop toys that we found at a garage sale. She just loves her puppy dogs! I love to see her telling us and choosing what she likes opposed to what Anna plays with. I love seeing that she has other favorites outside of what Anna is showing and telling her. It gives her a sense of individuality that I just love.
*She loves giving Peanut kisses and cuddles.
*She runs the CD player. If Anna turns it on, off, the volume up, or changes songs she goes ballistic.
*She is getting better with swatting and grabbing things out of Anna's hands. But she is entering a very whiny stage.... and there's nothing that mommy dislikes anymore then whining....
*She loves giving her bear and puppy dog their own voices. It is pretty cute to hear her talk like them in a high pitched Ashley voice :)

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