Sunday, December 11, 2011

10 months old!

Happy 10 months to me!

Here's what I've been up to the past month!

*Sleeping is great! I sleep from 6:30ish-6:30ish in the morning with one wake up around 5:30 to eat and then I fall back asleep pretty quickly. I am taking longer naps (around 1 hour and a half) two times a day. Sometimes I skip my second nap because my first nap was so long and this makes mommy wonder if  it's time to go to one nap. Both her and daddy think I am still too young for just one nap so they keep trying to put me down for two. I usually take the first nap around 10ish and then again around 3ish.
*I am a huge eater.... I eat anything and LOTS of anything. I am starting to prefer solids to breast milk. Pretty much place it on my plate and I will devour it up! I am becoming more and more interested in trying to use the spoon but mommy is postponing that mess as long as possible! I am also a very messy eater who gets avocado and banana and tofu in my hair quite often. My favorite foods are bananas, cheese, yogurt, squash, red meat, gerber puffs and avocado. I like to self feed myself but still eat some of the purees mommy makes. My new foods tried this month: kiwi, yogurt, pumpkin, yellow cheese, egg yolk, hummus, rotiessiere chicken, pumpkin muffins, bread, ham, turkey, and lots of other stuff that mommy forgot!
*I am still breast feeding 4 times a day. Mommy thinks I may be ready to go down to 3 times a day.
*I can drink really well out of one of Anna's sippy cups. I bee line for hers when she puts her on the ground and have just started to get my own.
*I do funny face and hog nose ALL the time!
*I am beginning to babble more and more. I often try to join in on conversations by babbling REALLY loud and I often try to sing songs with mommy and Anna. I say "uh-oh"
*My favorite song is "Baby Bop Hop." And I pretty much love dancing the "baby dance" to ANY music! I love music.
*I love books. I love turning the pages, chewing on them and pulling them off the bookcase (they sometimes fall on my toes- ouch!). I love also listening to mommy or daddy read books. My favoerite is still Green Hat, Blue Hat by Sandra Boynton.
*I have 2 teeth; my two front bottom ones.
*I have taken a couple of steps on my own but not official walking yet. Most the time you see me I have stood up or pulled myself up onto something and am standing watching my sister.
*I can climb down off of things and daddy thinks pretty soon I will be going down the stairs (I can go up them with no problem).
*I love pushing the dinner table chairs around the kitchen as a walker but have to be careful because Anna likes doing it too and sometimes she uses hers as a bumper car!!!!
*I am a big cuddler. I am also a big mommy's girl.
*My favorite toys are anything that Anna has, books, markers, sippy cups, the laugh and learn house and my play table. I also love little people. I also really like Peanut dog bowls :)
*I love playing peek-a-boo and have the cutest laugh!
*I barely get to watch TV but when I do I LOVE it! The Barney and World World theme song makes me smile and kick my legs!
*My tricks: I am starting to give kisses back with a muah sound, I cough when you say "bad cough" and do it over and over for attention, wave to both hi and bye, gives fives, doing the baby dance (bouncing while standing) to music, when mommy says good job or good girl I clap (I have really mastered clapping and am REALLY good), I am calling "mama" when I wake up, and am super good at playing peek-a-boo.
*It is very common for mew to have bruises because I am constantly standing with or without holding onto things, trying to take new steps, climbing up and down and falling everywhere!

Mommy says I give her the best smiles and kisses RIGHT when I wake up!


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