Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Last Wednesday was frantic.... FRANTIC!

Let me fill you in.....

I had been watching the Barney live schedule for months now and two weeks ago saw that it was coming to Omaha. Thinking that Omaha was pretty close, we decided to look into tickets. Many attempts with Ticketmaster, including a phone call to them, we were unable to get the Dino Seats (meet and greet with Barney). And there was no way we were going without Anna meeting Barney (I know she will never remember it, but I will!)

To make a long story short, a lady I had sent an email to, a week prior, got back to me the day before the show telling me that there were Dino Seats available in Omaha. ECSTATIC, Rob rearranged his doctors appointment and was able to take a vacation day the next day. I frantically ran home, packed our bags, dropped Peanut off at my parents and fed Ashley in super speed time. I then picked Rob up at 6 pm and off we were to Omaha!

See Rob and I are planners; we really aren't spontaneous so this trip was HUGE for us. It started with one screaming child from KC to St. Joseph, drive thru Chick-fil-a that we ate cold and a stop at a truckers stop in St. Joseph to feed Ashley and get directions since 1-29 was still closed to flooding. What nornally taked 2 1/2 hours, it took us around 4- 4 1/2 to pull into our downtown Omaha hotel. Luckily the girls were asleep, and stayed that way while I drove around the hotel's parking lot as Rob checked in and set up the room. Luckily security wasn't called on me for circling the hotel parking lot for 15 minutes. The girls transitioned into their beds perfectly and we all got a goodnight sleep. What started as a frantic worrisome trip turned out to be totally smooth and awesome (Rob and I were both worried about how the day would go given our Wednesday evening)!

We woke up in the hotel around 7 am (thanks Aaron for making the reservations for us). Anna really loved the hotel and probably wishes we would have been there longer; she was obsessed with the hairdryer! We weren't even there long enough while awake to take a picture! We ate breaskfast, showered and Ashley took an earlier nap which worked out perfectly with our pre-Barney "schedule" for the morning. We were then off to meet Barney at 9:30 (show from 10:30-12). After showing up at the wrong venue (totally my fault) we made it to the meet and greet literally minutes before the purple dinosaur made his appearance.....

And the pictures pretty much sum up the rest!

Anna waving to Barney. She had told us in the car that she was going to wave to him and say hi and give him a hug.
She couldn't believe it was him.... literally shocked! Here is is shaking her head a saying, "Ba!"
Fingers in the mouth- ALWAYS in her mouth when Barney is on! This smile never left her face!
Not really sure of the guy...... as we walked closer to him in line she got a little more unsure.....
But LOOK AT THAT! One word for this picture- PRICELESS! I mean they are even posing the same!
We talked with Barney....
Got a family picture with Barney... (notice Anna's fingers please!)
Anna gave him hugs- 2 exactly!
She even gave him a kiss! (I wonder if the person inside the outfit smiles during pictures... I wish there was a mascot camera in there to check out the guys expressions. I mean it would be hard doing his job without smiling!)
She picked out a souvenier.. Baby Bop!! (Even though mommy was trying to get her to buy a cheaper thing!) She has had a death grip on Baby Bop ever since she first held her.
Ashley was JUST as excited!
Kiss for Baby Bop!

The view from the second row is SWEET!!!!
Just heard Barney's voice over the loud speaker- WOW! So exciting!!!!

He was THIS close!
The camera man was neat to watch too~!

This was her expression 90% of the show..... she's thinking what the heck is going on?!?!?

Ashley was trying to climb up over the first row to get to the stage- had I let her, she would have made it! Ashley lasted the entire time without getting fussy (well she started fussing during the I LOVE YOU song but the show was practically over then). What a trooper!

Yummmmm- pizza in the car!
Barney sure is exhausting!!!

Both girls slept great on the way back and our 16 hour stay in Omaha was worth every penny and every little headache that came along the drive up! What a great time and soon I'll post the video of Anna meeting Barney :)

Much Love and I LOVE YOU!,

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