Monday, October 24, 2011

Anna's Hurt Poopies

 I never knew I would become so obsessed with poop. Then I had children......

If poop grosses you out, simply ignore this post :)

About 6 months ago I posted about Anna and her hard "hurt poopies."  We had been using a quarter cap full of Miralax every morning to help calm and soften the poop pain... it was horrible seeing her in this pain. We would try to wean off of Miralax but two days off and she would have a HORRIBLE case of hurt poopies; she wanted so bad to keep them in that it hurt SO bad and when she would finally go. It was so painful to watch. We would finally resort to using a liquid suppository to help. Deciding we never wanted to see her go through this pain again, we stuck with the Miralax for 6 months.....

Well 2 weeks ago she got the complete opposite; she got peanut butter poop.... yup you read that right, PEANUT BUTTER POOP! It would literally just fall out of her when she tooted, or even when she was just walking..... it made her completely scared of anything to do with the potty. She would go in her panties, bare-bottomed, in diapers, in pullups... it didn't matter what she was wearing. She feared the POOP. She was even developing a sore bottom from going so much (sometimes she didn't even know that she had gone) and she was even telling me that her bottom hurt. It was horrible. She feared it so much that she feared going pee pee and complete regressed to diapers for almost 2 days... got to the point where she wouldn't even pee in the potty and kept having accidents everywhere. She wouldn't even walk into the bathroom. I was more then willing to let her stay in diapers for a couple of days, but she even feared potty in them too. I would have to physically cradle her and fold her body in half so that she would relax enough to go and then SOOOOOO much would come. Thankfully we acted fast...

I had remembered when breastfeeding that Anna would have issues with pooping when I had had a lot of milk/dairy the day before. This made me think that she might have a slight sensitivity to milk. So I cut her morning bottle in half, replaced her nap bottle with 1/2 water and 1/2 white grape juice and kept the night bottle the same. Instead of getting 24 oz of milk a day, she would get around 14 oz or so. And it did the trick! She has had no issues since and this has helped her jump right back into using the potty again! And she's been really regular the last couple of days too which makes both of us more pleasant! Phew! I did not want to have to retrain all over again; and if I had we would have done fine but it's nice not having to retrace those steps again!

We also upped her fiber gummies to 2 in the morning so that she gets 4 g compared to 2g. I had read somewhere that kids need their age + 5 grams of fiber a day so the gummies help her meet her 7 g pretty easily.

Much Love and I hopefully we won't see her in so much pain for a while,

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