Wednesday, July 13, 2011

M and M Potty Update

We have been doing the M and M potty training routine for about a week now and we have made great strides! We are waiting for a weekend where we have nothing going (in about 2 weeks) to really hit it hard and have her running around naked with eyes on her 100% of the time but are having fun with getting her excited aboutgoing potty now.

Anna is telling us correctly that she is going pee or poop most of the time. I would say at least 3-4 times a day. Mostly she is telling us about her peepees because most the time she leaves the room to go poop. She can take her shorts off and even her diaper. She can sit on the toilet for prolonged periods of time just waiting for peepee and tells us "No peepee" when nothing comes out. She is even understanding where it comes from and watches that area for quite some time while on the potty. She even is wiping herself with diaper changes and after attempts on the potty.

But the hard part is getting her to realize BEFORE she goes that she needs to go. I really think she will learn what the time to potty feeling is when we are doing the extreme naked potty training in a couple of weeks. But tonight before bed I feel like she was trying to tell us before she started going. She grabbed at her crouch area and said "I go pee pee." We were putting Ashley to bed and Rob told her to STOP!!! But we were a couple second late on getting her to the potty and could feel her diaper getting warm. But then I think she had listened to Daddy because in the potty she left a little bit of pee pee! We flushed it away down the toilet and then went to get 2 M and M's (one for telling us and another for going in the potty).

I really think the M and M's have been effective at teaching Anna everything she currently knows about pottying and will be a good bribe to continue. It has also helped her learn some colors too! The only negative is when Anna eats an M and M so does her face, ears and fingers.... she is a complete mess!! One M and M and it looks like she's had a bagful. I think I have my father to thank for some of this because he has Anna thinking that M and M's appear out of her ears. And since Anna thinks Papa is pretty great she tried to put them in her ears just like him.... thanks Dad :)

Here is a picture of her ear while eating an M and M.... Can you guess the color?

Much Love,

Any tips on potty training? I've never done it before so let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Here are my sister's thoughts. This seemed to work pretty well for Ells:
