Sunday, July 10, 2011

Biggest "Uh Oh" yet!

Rob and I have always been in synch with understanding the whereabouts of Anna in our house.... that is until tonight when I was fixing dinner.....

Rob: "Where's Anna?"
Me: "What do you mean where's Anna? She's with you."
Rob: "No, I thought she was with you."
Me: "Where's Anna?"


Rob runs upstairs with Ashley to find Anna with a hot pink sharpie in hand coloring on the computer monitor. YES- coloring ALL over our 11 x 14 computer screen. I hear panic in his stern voice. I run upstairs to see what happened and we just stared at the screen in shock. Panic sets in again and I begin rubbing spit on the screen with my fingers and it was starting to come off.... so more spit..... then I start rubbing the screen with my shirt..... but as time passed most of the pen wasn't coming off and we were getting pretty worked up and upset with Anna and ourselves for losing sight of her. Anna was just sitting there motionless watching us work. I really think that she could sense our panic (we really hadn't yelled at her but she was scared). She looks at me with a face I had never seen her give before (her eyes showed that she felt AWFUL) and started patting me on the arm (like she was telling me everything was going to be ok.)

Fearful that I was going to lose my temper and regret what might slip out my mouth if the sharpie didn't come off, I had Rob take Anna out of the room as I continued to rub at it with my dress. Once reason set in, I tried a little bit of 409 on a paper towel and it got every inkling of sharpie off the screen.... PHEW!

So, a couple hours afterward I am pretty thankful for 2 things here:
1. That I am not typing looking through at a screen covered in hot pink sharpie and
2. That my daughter was able to calm her mother down in a panic situation- it was almost like she made me look at the situation in a different light and realize that things would be okay. I used to get upset very easily when things were ruined (like bringing myself to tears over silly reasons like breaking the glass in a picture frame) and even loose my temper. I am very proud of the way I handled myself- looks like I really have grown up into a mom :)

I just love that little girl- hot pink sharpie on the computer screen and all!

Oh and you're probably asking yourself why sharpies are in the house within her reach...... yep- that would be another parent goof up of the day! Just add that the the list :)

Much Love,


  1. We had a fail today as well, we went to a farmers market and once we got there realized we had no stroller or bjorn, so we carried Leo for the whole time while he slept.
    Oh and I remember drawing all over the walls at my parent's house growing up. It adds character. :)

  2. So funny Jenny.... but so glad it came off the monitor for you!
